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What Do You Do When You've Got No Clue What Gift To Get Someone?

What are you supposed to do when you have no clue what gift to get someone, but the occasion is coming where you need to? It’s tricky when this happens, and it can happen to anyone. Even if you know the person really well, you can still find yourself stumped when you get to the buying part of gift giving which can really throw you through a loop.

A lot of the time we get too focused on buying the perfect gift, that we forget that it really is the thought that counts. The fact that someone has taken their time to buy a gift for someone else, no matter what it is, is a lovely thing. However, we know it can still be stressful so we’re here to help you out a bit. Down below, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you can do when you’ve got no clue what to get someone as a gift. So, keep reading if you would like to find out more.

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Something Related To An Interest Of Theirs 

The first place that you should try to go is to get them something that is related to an interest of theirs. Sometimes this is impossible as there isn’t much to purchase around their interests, and if there is, they may already have it. You don’t want to buy them something that they already have, so you’ve got to make sure they don’t have whatever it is before you make that purchase.

Think carefully about what kind of things they like, and then you can start doing some research into the different options you’ve got. If they like Disney for example, there is a vast number of items that are Disney related, so on this one you shouldn’t struggle too much. But, if they have an interest where there is less apparel and merchandise available, it can be harder. For example, if you know that they are a fan of collecting Indigenous items, then you can take a look into Indigenous gifts and see what you can find. 

Something that relates to their interest will always be a winner, and it shows that you know the person well enough to purchase something they like. This alone shows that you put a lot of thought into the gift, making it all the more appreciated. 

Gift Cards

We’re not really sure why there are some people out there who think that gift cards are a bad gift. Sure, they’re not the most personal gift out there, but surely this is better than getting someone something they don’t like. Would you not rather give someone money knowing that they will spend it on something they actually do like, meaning that you’ve not wasted it? Likewise, would you not rather receive a gift card that you could spend on something that you want than to know that someone is stressing over getting you something?

Gift cards are a great gift when you’re stuck on what to get. You essentially say that they can choose their own present, and you will just be the wallet. However, we know that there are people who are funny about this, so just check if your recipient is one of them, as you don’t want to offend them.

A Personalized Item

What says that you know someone well more than a personalized item? This is something that cannot be replaced, and again, shows that a lot of thought went into the gift. This might be a piece of jewellery like a necklace or an accessory like a watch. These tend to be two things that you can’t really go wrong with, but if you’re nervous about getting them because they are regularly worn, then get them something different. A charm, a small handheld mirror, a pocket watch or anything like this will do.

At this point, the item itself might not actually be the focus of the gift, or if it is, it’s simply enhanced by the thoughtful sentiment that has been engraved on it.

Something That They Need

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Again, this is one that divides a lot of people but purchasing something that they need is often appreciated. Yes, there are some people out there who do not like getting practical gifts as they don’t feel as though they have had a gift, but they really are. Sometimes we don’t like to purchase ourselves the bare basics because we would rather spend our money on other things, and that’s why practical presents can be amazing. You don’t have to spend your money on them, but you’ve got them.

Think about the kinds of things that your recipient may need, and go from there. Everyone always needs new socks, even though they won’t admit it and they’re seen as a bad gift. A throw blanket perhaps. Maybe they have said in passing they need something specific? Listen, and take note.

Ask Their Other Friends Or Family Members

If you don’t want to ask them directly then there is another way to go about finding out. You could always ask their friends or family members. They may be more open with these people as they are more comfortable around them, this isn’t a reflection on you or your friendship at all. However, if they do know then they will have no issues telling you, especially if they don’t want to buy the gift themselves. 

If you have family and friends numbers then message them, you may be surprised at what gift ideas they have come up with. If you are close to these people then you could always go in on gifts together. For instance, it may be too expensive for one person to buy but if four of you go in on it then it works out much cheaper for everyone involved. 

Ask Them Directly What They Want

Another option would be to just ask them what they want, you would be surprised at how forthcoming people can be with gift ideas. They may already have a list written out and are simply waiting for you to ask them. If they know you have trouble knowing what to get then this can make it easier for you. If they have a long list then you can choose what to get, as you don’t have to get it all. That way it is still a surprise when they receive it. 

You might think there is always a taboo about asking people what they want, but this has been overcome in recent years and now it is second nature to ask what people want. They may not always tell you and say the common ‘oh you don’t have to get me anything’. This isn’t at all helpful but they may be concerned that what they want is just out of your budget or price range. 

Something That Made You Think Of Them

This is always a nice one, as if it makes you think of them then it is related to something that you have done together. Perhaps it jogs a super cute memory in your mind, like somewhere you have been or something you saw. For instance, if you go traveling and see the Eiffel tower then you could have seen a keyring of the Eiffel tower making you buy it for them. There are plenty of ideas out there, shopping around could make you notice things that you didn’t really see before. If you see a present that makes you think of a person, it will likely have sentimental value with the recipient. Meaning they will treasure and cherish it forever, many years to come. It may even make its way into their special cabinet. If they collect items such as crystals then you could look at your local shop or online store to see what you can find. 

Wing It And Hope For The Best

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Finally, if you simply can’t think of anything then get them something that you like and hope for the best. If they are friends with you then it is likely you share some of the same interests, this makes it handy when the time comes to buy gifts. Winging it doesn’t always work but most of the time they will be blown away and totally surprised by what they receive. If you know what they are interested in and you listen when they speak then somewhere in your memory banks will be the ideal gift just waiting to be discovered. 

Sometimes, when you are browsing the internet for one thing another thing could appear. You never know when the perfect gift will turn up and make you say ‘oh yeah, that’s great’. 

We hope you found this article helpful and that it gave you some ideas on what to get a loved one if you are struggling to think of anything. There will always be something out there, sometimes you may have to think outside the box. It is always the thought that counts, so don’t overthink it too much.

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