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5 Tools for Your Workshop That Are Worth the Investment

Whether you are a business owner, property manager, or homeowner, having the right tools is essential. Tools allow us to accomplish tasks that we couldn’t do on our own. They are also necessary if you want to maintain or upgrade your property. 

When most people think about workshops in their homes, they focus on the basics for their toolset. Hammers, screwdrivers, fasteners, drills, clamps, and many other handheld tools are the first purchases for the garage or workshop. These are easy to acquire and can handle the most basic tasks around the house. 

However, what if you want to tackle larger projects around the house? There may be a major renovation plan that you could handle yourself with the right equipment. Some machines or heavy-duty tools may cost more money upfront, but they could make many projects far easier. Let’s discuss five tools to add to your workshop that can be worth the investment. 

Power Washer

A power washer is an incredibly effective tool that uses high pressure to create a very strong jet stream of water. This can help clean off tough surfaces, such as decks, pavement, siding, and more. Often, homeowners will rent power washers for a big cleaning project every once in a while. However, if you like to maintain a clean exterior, purchasing your own power washer could save you money in the long run. Plus, you could always charge others a small amount to rent it from you. Now, when unsightly stains pop up around your property, you can handle them quickly. 

Stud Finder

Decorating the interior of a home or business space can be a fun undertaking. Hanging picture frames, shelves, and other items can cut down on blank spaces and add to the color scheme of a room. However, attaching things to drywall can be difficult, especially if drywall fasteners are not working out. If you purchase a stud finder, you can locate the studs behind your walls to secure things to a stronger surface. This is ideal for heavier furniture that you want to make sure won’t tip over, like bookshelves or dressers. 

Angle Grinder

If you are into woodworking or other types of building, you probably need saws, sanders, and grinders to shape your projects and put on the finishing touches. Some of the more basic grinder tools are great for sanding and polishing your creations, but they may limit how creative you can be. An angle grinder opens up far more possibilities. This tool can cut, polish, sand, and grind various materials, including wood, tile, stone, and metal. The angle of the disc will give you options for shaping your project in more unique ways than a traditional grinder. 

Hydraulic Pump

Hydraulic pumps use non-compressable liquids at high pressure to convert mechanical power into fluid power. There are many types of hydraulic pumps, and though many associate them with industrial uses, smaller models could be a great addition to your workshop. For example, if you enjoy working on cars, a hydraulic pump can be used to lift the vehicle so you can access the underside. Perhaps your property has a lot of timber and you could use a hydraulic pump to split logs efficiently. Also, purchasing replacement hydraulic pump parts is not overly complicated, so you can maintain your pump and use it for years to come. 

Nail Gun

Many home repairs and upgrades require the use of fasteners to secure different materials together. Whether you want to build a deck, place new shingles, or repair a broken piece of wood furniture, you will need to attach screws, bolts, or nails to create a firm structure. If you do a lot of construction projects, investing in a nail gun would be a wise purchase. Nail guns can speed up your projects significantly. Instead of having to drill or hammer fasteners in at each joint manually, you simply aim and fire. Nail guns often use pressurized air to fire the nails in at a high enough speed to penetrate the various materials. 

A Larger Purchase Now Will Pay Off Later

A growing toolset is a valuable aspect of homeownership. The more tools you have, the easier it is to maintain the property and complete projects on your own. While handheld tools and other essentials will help you accomplish the most essential tasks, some jobs require more specialized equipment. By purchasing items like stud finders, hydraulic pumps, and nail guns, you are equipping yourself to take on more complex projects again and again. This will save you money on hiring more contractors or renting tools for every project.

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