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Living the Good Life Starts with a Solid Home

 We all want to live well. This means different things for different people, of course, but the underlying principle is the same. One of the things that everyone needs before they can start thinking about individual luxuries is having their essential home features in place.

If you can ensure that the basic structures of your home are solid, it will give you the peace of mind that you need to start looking higher. But you shouldn’t start building a fancy interior on a shaky foundation, because your fine decorations could easily fall apart with the creaky walls they’re hung on.


Essential features of a livable home

For these reasons, it’s a good idea to think about what exactly goes into a good, solid home. If you can tick the boxes on this checklist, you’ll be in the clear to start collecting fine art and decorating at will.

Solid doors and windows

Doors and windows are two of the most important components of any house. If you are wondering where to find reliable window replacement services in my area with warranties, you can easily find them online or in home goods shops. When it comes to windows, keep these points in mind:

  1. Windows should be solid and have any cracks between panes and their frames
  2. It is advisable for Canadians to get double- or triple-pane windows
  3. Glazing on windows helps give you an extra layer of protection from the cold
  4. Thermal curtains will also help trap heat inside

Your doors, too, should be of the highest quality. Aluminum and solid wood are generally considered to be the best materials for keeping the cold out. With your doors, you should similarly ensure that there are no cracks or possibilities for heat to escape.

Energy efficiency in the house

Beyond the quality of your doors and windows, everything else in your house should be as energy efficient as possible. Manufacturers and government bodies have been putting much more emphasis on this recently, and you can look for appliances, lights, and other home features that have Energy Star certification. This certification is a mark of approval that the items you buy are up to standard when it comes to conserving as much energy as possible.

There are many things in the home that can be made energy efficient. These include:

  • Your lighting. Consider changing old light bulbs with LED lights as they use much less energy
  • Many appliances. These days appliances can be made “smart” to turn off exactly when you stop using them
  • Thermostats. Thermostats can automatically adjust to maintain just the right temperature in rooms or parts of rooms and ensure as little waste as possible
  • Roofs. Many people are installing solar panels on roofs and using less traditional energy as a result

This is just a short list, but the reality is that practically every item in your home can be made energy-efficient these days. It is a good idea to go through your house and double-check anything that you might replace. It will be worth the investment in the end as you see your energy bills go down.

Southern facing windows

Some people don’t think about the actual placement of their windows, but this actually plays a significant role in the amount of sunlight that you get. If your windows face the wrong direction, they might not do you much good in terms of natural light. And if you live in Canada, you need as much as you can get.

Try to ensure that you have southern-facing windows in the rooms you spend time in, and make sure that they are not blocked. Your home will not only be brighter, but warmer as a result. And this will also help to keep your bills down. You can find house windows Canada online of many types.

Home security

The security of your home is an essential element that helps you guard against theft and maintain peace of mind. What does it mean to have a secure home? Several things:

  • Solid locks. Investing in deadbolt locks for your front and back doors is critical. Remember, thieves get more and more crafty all the time, so you always want to stay one step ahead of them.
  • Window locks. People can break in through windows, too! Make sure you have secure locks for your windows, even on the upper floors. Burglars can be better at reaching them than you might think.
  • A security system. Pretty much everyone needs a good security system these days, especially if you live in an urban area. Better ones allow for remote monitoring and allow people to manipulate them from anywhere. They are well worth the cost of securing your home.

Ensure the fundamentals, then think about the rest

If you take the time to make sure that the essential elements of your house are in place, you can start thinking about how to make it into the beautiful home you want. Be sure to go through the list carefully, though, as you don't want to leave anything out and find your home subject to damage and/or security risks.

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