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Reasons Why Your Home’s Windows have Failed

Whether you are settling into a new home, or becoming increasingly aware of the dangers in your own, you need to make sure that one thing you don’t overlook is your windows. Double-glazed windows tend to last between 20 and 35 years, and in some instances, they can last even longer. With that being said, you do need to make sure that you perform regular maintenance and that you also take the time to make repairs the second you see that they are needed.

Reasons Why Your Home’s Windows have Failed

Source: Pexels

Reasons Why Your Home’s Windows have Failed 

Fogging and Misting

One of the most noticeable signs that your windows are failing is if you have a lot of fogging or condensation between the panes. This often happens when there is a breach in the seal, which allows moisture to infiltrate the space between the glass. The compromised seal will also reduce the insulation properties of your windows, and make them less clear to look through. This is the last thing you want, so try and make sure that you give this some thought.

Condensation Outside

Another big sign that your windows are failing is if you have a lot of condensation on the outside. This indicates that your double glazing is not working as well as it could be. The occurrence tends to arise from the temperature disparity that happens between the external environment and the window itself. This can also signify the window’s role in retaining warmth in general. If you have condensation between your glass panes then this is also a sign that you need to replace your windows, as they may not be working as well as they could be. If this is the case then you may have a compromised seal or a leak, which may result in you needing a potential replacement. Replacement windows are easier than ever for you to invest in, and when you do, you will notice a huge improvement in your energy retention.


If you notice that water is making its way indoors then you need to do something about this. Weather seals are so essential for your windows and they also stop the possibility of your windows letting in water. If you know that your weather seals aren’t working as well as they once did then this is a big sign that you need to take action. This can occur over time if there is a lot of exposure to the weather. Another cause of leaks is if you have a blocked drainage section. Things, such as leaves or dirt might accumulate in your drainage area and this can lead to huge issues. 

Cracked Glass

Another issue that you need to look out for is cracked glass. No matter how cautious you are, you may find that sometimes, things end up getting damaged and there isn’t anything you can do about it. Chips in the glass surface can easily lead to cracks that extend down to the frame and this is something you need to be mindful of. If you want to help yourself here then make sure that you look out for shallow cracks too. Even though they might not penetrate the glass too much, they can still lead to issues down the line and this is something you do want to avoid. If you want to help yourself here then make sure that you look out for some clear resin as this could be a way for you to make a speedy repair. If you have a more severe case, that may involve a deeper crack or chip then this could mean that you need to take more urgent action. You may need to hire the help of a local window installer as they can help you to not only assess the damage but to also make sure that you get the guidance as to whether or not a new window is needed. 

Cracks compromise your window’s insulating properties, so getting a new window fitted could be the best thing to do. When damage reaches a point where it starts to affect the performance of your home, this is usually a good time for you to take action. Getting a window replaced isn’t a huge job and most of the time, you may find that the job ends up paying for itself, as you will be able to recoup sayings through energy efficiency down the line. If you can keep things like this in mind then it will help you not only get the result you need but also save money.


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