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A Simple Routine to Keep the Home Pet Fresh

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There are tons of good reasons to keep the home pet fresh. Pets are animals, of course. And animals really don't care too much about their looks or hygiene. But a dirty animal can cause a variety of issues when it comes to human health, and even the health of themselves.

With so much to do when running a family home, it can be easy to forget about animal hygiene. A pet fresh home is a healthier home, and you can eliminate specific problems in the home.

Wash Pet Bedding Each Week

One of the dirtiest things in the home is your bed! Yeah, the place you sleep is full of bacteria and tiny bugs. This Is why clean bedding is so important. So, after running in the park, sniffing other animals, and eating, God knows what, how dirty do you think your dog's bed is? Like you, the dog or cat deserves a clean place to sleep. You can use washing machine cleaner products designed to help with pet odors and hair removal for a cozy and clean place for doggy dreams.

Keep the Home Pet Fresh by Dusting

Dust is one of the most overlooked things in a home. For some reason, 73% of people aged 57 to 75 don't think dusting is essential. However, animal hairs and dander combine with dust to cause allergies. So, here are some tips for a solid dusting routine that keeps the home clean:

  • Open the windows to allow for better air circulation while dusting.

  • Begin by going over surfaces with a dry duster to capture smaller particles.

  • Get into the nooks and crannies, especially where your pets sleep and play.

  • Wipe over surfaces again with a wet, antibacterial cleaner to remove bacteria.

  • Repeat the routine every other day to ensure your home stays fresh and clean.

It can be hard to introduce more work into your already busy routine. However, dusting comes with so many benefits that you would be doing yourself a disservice by leaving it out.

Vacuum the Carpets

Dusting is an excellent way to keep your home cleaner and healthier. But dusting products and wipes only go so far. Most of the dander and pet hearts will settle into the carpet. Thankfully, there are excellent vacuum cleaners available for not much money. If you can afford one, use a vacuum cleaner designed for pet hairs. These are much better at catching hairs and dander. However, be sure to clean and maintain the vacuum cleaner, or it probably won't last long!

Add Carpet Freshener

You won't notice it, but your pets smell! Even well-groomed animals give off an animal odor. Odors like this, similar to smoking, settle into the carpets. And when this happens, it becomes the scent of your home. But you don't have to settle for it! Simple carpet freshener products are excellent for refreshing the scent of your home and actively battling pet odor. Just sprinkle some around once per week before vacuuming. Your home will smell great again in no time.

Vacuum Soft Fabrics

Dust, pet hair, and dander settle everywhere. Damn, gravity! Yet you can battle the problem head-on. If you have purchased a vacuum cleaner for pets, then you probably have attachments for cleaning smaller items. These are excellent for tackling the issue of soft fabrics such as the couch and drapery. However, some vacuums can be powerful, so test them on a small area first. Pets are snuggly. Of course, it helps to get into the habit of keeping the pets off the furniture!

Spray Fabrics with Febreze

You can make a lot of effort trying to keep your home smelling fresh. But sometimes, animal odor just gets in the way. Even in a spotless house, the scent of wet dogs, litter boxes, and hamster cages can be overwhelming. These odors can settle all over the home. However, there is a secret weapon you can try. Products like Febreze and others like it are excellent at battling bad smells. The best products actually neutralize the odor rather than mask it with fragrance.

Keep the Home Pet Fresh with Clean Air

There are 90 million domestic dogs and 74 million domestic cats in the US alone. That's a lot of homes with potentially bad air. Clean air is essential for health and hygiene, and can be the cause of many issues such as respiratory problems. So there is a case for clean air with pets.

What are the benefits of clean air in your home?

Clean air at home contributes to improved health. Allergies and issues like asthma can be made worse by poor indoor air, and pet hairs can accelerate or exacerbate some of these issues.

Do pets cause indoor air pollution?

Just like the outdoors, indoor air can be polluted. It is agreed that pets cause indoor air pollution. Hairs and dander combine with everyday household dust to make the air quality worse.

How does an air purifier help with pets?

There is some relief for poor quality air caused by pets. An air purifier with a HEPA filter will help reduce dander and hair in the air. Additionally, this can remove some of the pet's odor.

Can indoor pets make you sick?

There is a small risk associated with pets. Some pets carry bacteria and germs that can pass to humans. These can cause severe problems such as skin irritation and breathing problems.

Do indoor pets need clean air?

While cleaner air helps with your health, it will also help your pets. Pets breathe air too, and bad quality air can cause problems such as asthma and cancer in common household pets.

Clean Your Pets if Possible

Cleaning the home is a powerful way to keep the home pets fresh. However, the pets themselves also need to be kept clean. We all know how hard and funny it can be to bathe a cat. But you can try it, as some don't mind it. However, you can always try a cat groomer. Dogs are easier, and some dogs actually love being bathed and washed. Small pets like bunnies and rodents can't really be cleaned as easily. Keeping the pet areas clean is the best you can do.

Keep Pet Areas Clean and Dry

Some pets are easy to clean, and others aren't. However, it is a huge help to keep their areas clean. For cats and dogs, this is as simple as cleaning bedding and litter trays. Keeping these clean removes much of the associated odor and ensures better health for you and the pets. Smaller pets, such as hamsters or even fish, can't be cleaned. However, keeping their containment clean removes odors and contributes to the improved health of your pets.

Get Cats and Dogs Groomed

If you have a cat or dog, then you know how much they love attention. Grooming is an excellent way to ensure they are healthier and happier. Some breeds require a lot of grooming, as matted hair can cause a variety of problems in cats and dogs. Regular grooming also removes excess hair that would otherwise settle in your home. As for the odor, pet grooming salons have specialist products that make your furry loved ones smell amazing for weeks to come.

Sanitize All Those Pet Toys

A pet with toys is a happy pet. It's hard to beat the infectious joy of a dog playing with a ball while wagging its tail with happiness. But as much as your pets love these toys, they are brimming with germs and bacteria. Some of which can also give off unpleasant odors. Cleaning pet toys with simple soap and water is an effective method of keeping away germs and smells. Be sure to rinse them properly, as some household cleaners can be harmful to your pets.

Keep the Home Pet Fresh with Specialist Equipment

Some pets aren't as easy as dogs to look after. There are some that require specialist equipment. Fish are a perfect example. Around 66% of US homes have a pet, 11 million of which have fish. And any one of them will tell you that a clean tank is essential:

  • Use a tank that's a suitable size for your fish species and population.

  • Buy a good filter that can clean the water as much as is needed.

  • Install an air pump to keep the fish clean and healthy while in the tank.

  • Reduce the chances of illness and pollution with heat and light.

  • Add living plants and greenery to the plant to help with oxygenation.

Fish are relatively passive pets. But they do need some attention. A good tank with the necessary equipment will help. But you also need to learn what's best for the species too.

Teach the Kids to Care for Pets

There's a lot of work to do when caring for pets. However, pets are family members, and every member of the family can chip in. Getting the children involved in caring for the pets is a massive help. It helps teach kids the responsibilities of owning a pet. But it also takes some of the pressure from you trying to do it all. Teaching this early means they will also grow up to take care of their own pets and keep their home fresh and healthy for their children later in life.


Washing pet bedding each week will keep the home pet fresh and more hygienic. Fresh and clean air will benefit yourself and the pets. Getting the kids involved will take some of the pressure from your routine. But it will also help the children care for their pets when older.

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