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7 easy tips for healthy hair everyone can follow

 Good hair is not only an excellent mood booster but it also has an impact on the overall personality, confidence and satisfaction of the individual.

Moreover, healthy hair is also an indication of right nutrition, adequate hydration and proper care that prevents common hair concerns like breakage and split ends.

Additionally, healthy tresses are more manageable, less prone to damage, thereby requiring less effort for styling and treatment. Today, healthy hair is not just a option, but an important part of long-term good hair strength and confidence.

Before jumping to the tips for healthy hair, please understand these key factors which affect hair health:

  • Lifestyle
  • Hair products 
  • Hair type 
  • Hair care routine 

Moving on, here are seven simple tips for maintaining a hairstyle that will keep your hair shiny and strong as well as the products that you should use to attain a glossy finish that everyone aspires for.

#1.Use a heat protectant 

We often use hair styling tools, but ignore the damage that heat can cause to the hair. Hence never forget to apply a heat-protectant serum before using any heating tool. Allow the product to dry before using tools like a blow dryer or flat iron. Look for products containing silicone and conditioning agents like argan oil to moisturize. Look for one with UV filters to prevent sun damage.

#2. Pick the right product 

Pick a hair product that is not harsh on the scalp but at the same time targets the hair concerns. The right choice includes oils, shampoos and conditioners that are sulfate-free and tailored for your style of hair. Check the product's label and reviews before purchasing it.

#3. Adopt a hair care routine 

Develop a hair care routine depending on your needs and hair type concerns. Choose a gentle conditioner and shampoo especially designed for your hair type and include a weekly oil massage and a apply a hair mask. Importantly, do not forget to apply a leave-in conditioner and serum for added nourishment.

#4. Build a proper washing routine 

It is important to first understand your hair type and then adopt the proper hair conditioning and washing routine, because more or less can impact hair health negatively. Just as dry hair will require moisture, oily hair will crave for balance. Once you have tailored this routine based on your hair type, you will restore hair loss and achieve much better looks.

#5. Understand what your hair needs

People generally follow the hair care routine as advertised by marketeers and beauty professionals which can do more harm than good to your hair. Make sure that you first understand your hair condition and what is needed before applying any new product on the hair. Remember, every curl pattern requires different care and tools for healthy growth, therefore, understanding your hair style is essential if you want to unlock its full potential.

#6. A healthy diet and hydration is essential 

Since healthy hair comes from within, it is essential to ensure that you include plenty of nutritional foods in your diet in order to boost hair growth and maintain overall good health. Your diet, therefore, should contain an adequate amount of protein, minerals and vitamins. These can easily be found in eggs, fruits and lentils.

Apart from this, avoid smoking, excess alcohol intake, sugary and fried foods. Most importantly, drink plenty of water, at least 2-3 liters per day, to keep both your body and hair sufficiently hydrated.

#7. Make regular visits to the salon

Take regular saloon treatments as long they use chemical free products such as Organic Nano Gel treatment. This procedure intensives repairs hair damage caused by pollution, heating tools and chemicals present in traditional hair care products. With the result you will get a smooth and manageable head which requires little or no effort in styling.

Making the cut 

Maintaining healthy locks is not as complex as it may seem, providing you adopt the seven actionable tips. Here are three key takeaways:

  • Pick products consistent to your hair needs 
  • Stay hydrated and use a conditioner to keep your hair hydrated as well 
  • Protect your hair from the elements 

By incorporating these simple hacks, you will be well on your way to your hair-transforming journey.

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