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The 3 Best Ways To Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol Over The Holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration, and it’s easy to go overboard. With all the parties, food, and drinks, it can be tempting to have more than you planned. Alcohol is everywhere, and it’s common for people to drink more than usual. 

Sometimes, hangovers just feel like part of the season. Even if you’re not an alcoholic, the effects of alcohol on your brand and body could catch up with you as you can learn here. In this article, we will go over several tips to help you avoid drinking too much over the holidays. 

1 - Have a plan

Planning ahead can really help during the holidays. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement, but if you set a limit on how much you’ll drink before you head to a party, you’ll have a better chance of sticking to it. Decide how many drinks you’re comfortable with and remind yourself to stay within that limit. 

If you know some events are going to involve a lot of drinking, maybe plan to skip alcohol at smaller gatherings or set a slower pace. You don’t have to drink at every event. Instead, focus on the parts of the party that don’t involve alcohol. Enjoy the food, the laughs, and time with friends or family. 

There’s plenty of fun to be had without drinking too much, and by having a plan, you’ll feel more in control. It’s all about enjoying the holidays without letting alcohol take over.

2 - Have a full stomach

One of the best ways to keep your drinking in check is to eat something before you start. Drinking on an empty stomach can make you feel the effects of alcohol much faster, which can lead to drinking more than you planned. When you’ve had a good meal, it slows down how quickly alcohol hits you, helping you stay in control.

Try to eat foods with protein or healthy fats, as they’ll help you stay full longer and may stop you from wanting to drink too much. Even having a few snacks during the party can make a big difference.  Eating before and while you drink helps keep you feeling better the next day since it gives your body a better chance to process the alcohol

3 - Pace yourself

It’s easy to lose track of how much you’re drinking when you’re at a party, but pacing yourself is important. Instead of finishing drinks quickly, try sipping slowly and give yourself time between each one which helps the alcohol settle, so you can see how it’s affecting you before you have more.

Taking breaks with a glass of water or soda can also help. It keeps you hydrated and gives your body time to process the alcohol. The slower you drink, the more likely you are to keep things balanced throughout the night.

Also, choose drinks like a spritz or a light beer that doesn’t have as much alcohol so you don’t get drunk too fast. 

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