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Spook Up Your Space for a Halloween-Ready Home

With the spooky season just around the corner, getting started on a Halloween-ready home now is a good idea. You don't have to do everything as some things are best left until the day. But you can make a start to save yourself some work later when you are probably going to be busy.

Prepare for Seasonal Safety

Home safety is essential when hosting a party, especially when children are coming. Sprucing up the home a little is something we all do when we have guests. But what about seasonal issues? Fall is a lovely time of year, but the weather changes drastically. A spooky tree poking near the window can be awesome, but the leaves and branches cause damage! A roofing service like AMC Roofing can inspect and repair roofing issues that can happen when it's cold.

A Halloween-Ready Home with Candles

Candles can make room when it comes to spookiness and Halloween, and sometimes, that's all you need! Around 73% of US families enjoy the Halloween season and invest a lot of time and money into it. But candles are cheap and effective. However, you need to stay safe:

  • Ensure all candles are seated in heat-resistant holders. 

  • Place candles away from easy reach of children or risk of falling.

  • Keep candles away from flowing materials that can catch fire.

  • Leave a 10cm gap between groups of different candles.

  • Blow out candles in rooms that are unattended for long periods.

A few strategically placed candles can elevate the spooky atmosphere of a room. Black, white and even blood red,dripping candles are awesome for the Halloween feel. But any candles pose a safety issue if they are carelessly placed and left unattended, so please be careful this year!

Buy Your Costumes Before They're Gone

Aside from the candy, the best thing about Halloween is dressing up! Back in the day, when Halloween was Samhain, Druidic people dressed up as demons to scare away bad spirits. Today, we like to dress up as anyone or anything for Halloween. Superheroes, Disney characters, and even Star Wars Jedi and Sith are popular. Yet these often sell out pretty quickly during Halloween. Be sure to buy yours early to avoid disappointment when the time comes.

Put Up the Halloween Decorations

One of the more challenging tasks for Halloween is the decorations. You can add small but effective touches for a toned-down spooky night. Or you can go all out like the Griswolds at Christmas! It's really up to you. But one thing you need to remember is that this almost always takes some time and effort. So, try not to leave Halloween decorations until the last minute! It can be fun doing the job little by little until everything is in place for the night and the children!

Buy Easy Appetizers from the Store

Hosting even a small group of people can be stressful. Remember, Halloween is for you to enjoy, too. So why make it harder on yourself? People just want to have a few laughs on Halloween and aren't taken as seriously as something like Thanksgiving. If you aren't the cooking type, or even if you want a break, buy what you need from the store! Supermarkets are excellent for hassle-free food such as chicken and pizza, and you can even order a buffet!

Gather Some Halloween Mocktail Recipes

Next to food, people will expect drinks. Of course, a cocktail or two is nice now and then. But given that you will probably interact with children all night, it is better to play it safe with mocktails. Before you go running for the hills, mocktails can be just as good as their boozy counterparts. And with today's wide selection of alcohol-free drinks, they can taste like the real thing! That will be one group of spirits you don't have to worry about on the spookiest night!

Create a Playlist for a Halloween-Ready Home

We all love Halloween food that delights and surprises. But it's not really a Halloween party without the music! A playlist is easier than ever to make these days, and all you have to do is hit one button and enjoy the tunes! Here are some questions you might have about playlists.

How do I make a music playlist for an event?

Decide on the atmosphere. For Halloween, you typically want spooky songs associated with the holiday. Add tracks people will expect and sprinkle in a few curveballs for added variety.

Does Spotify have a Halloween playlist?

Yes. There are many Halloween playlists on Spotify. Be aware, though, that some songs might not be suitable for children. So, search for child-friendly Halloween playlists if you need to.

Can you make a party playlist on Spotify?

Of course. It's easier than ever to make a party playlist on Spotify. Decide on the theme you want and search for it. You can also add individual songs that you know to your playlist.

How many songs for a party playlist?

This depends on how long you are hosting, as too much repetition can kill the mood. However, around 60 songs are probably enough for a Halloween event or short party with children.

What is the most popular Halloween song on Spotify?

There are many songs associated with Halloween. However, according to statistics, Monster Mash is the most popular Halloween song, followed by Michael Jackson's Thriller.

Clear the Access Points and Walkways

So, you've made the home a little safer, even going as far as checking the roof. But your work is still not done! People will be walking up and down your yard all night, and you don't want a lawsuit. Ensure the driveway and walkways are clear of any debris so people don't trip. Rake up the leaves, brush the pavers, and check for ice. It can get really cold around Halloween time, and ice can be an issue. If you need to, grit the walking areas with salt to remove the problem.

Secure Outdoor Decorations

After checking the roof and clearing walkways, you're already on your way to a safe Halloween experience. But what about decorations? Any decorations you place outside are a potential hazard. The last thing you want is a child being struck by a Jack-o-Lantern! As funny as this would be, it could be pretty serious. Check outdoor decorations are securely placed and fastened to the ground. Double-check decorations that can get caught by the wind.

Check the Web for Halloween Games

Most people just wait at the door for trick-or-treaters on Halloween. However, it can be a fun time to host a party. If you decide that a party is for you, then you need to keep the kids entertained. A few spooky decorations and unlimited candy will only go so far! Halloween games can help keep the mood alive and ensure everyone gets to join in the fun. Amazon has tons of cheap Halloween games and you can find DIY games with a quick Google search.

Pre-Prepare Fresh Food

You can buy most of what you need from the store. But if you want to make tasty recipes that always hit the mark, preparation is key. Food such as chili and pasta are crowd-pleasers, and the kids love them too! However, they can take some time. Anything that can be done in advance should be. You can even make chili and pasta recipes a few days earlier and freeze them. Then it's just a case of heating them up. Remember, Halloween is your day of fun, too.

A Halloween-Ready Home with Lighting

Around $12 billion is spent on Halloween each year in the US alone. This includes food and drink, costumes, and Halloween decorations. But it also includes lighting. Just like candles, lighting helps create the Halloween mood. Here are some tips for lighting during Halloween:

  • Buy LED lights with fake-flame candles that flicker and change colors.

  • Strategically place glow-in-the-dark candles among decorations.

  • String up LED lighting across ceilings and doorways.

  • Swap out your standard bulbs for colored ones for a spooky atmosphere.

  • Use smart devices to control the lighting in each room.

Getting the lighting right for any event can be tricky. For Halloween, green, purple, red, or orange seem to be the go-to colors. A mixture of these placed in strategic places will help create a spooky mood. Smart lighting also comes with presets and options for colors and patterns.

Bag-Up the Candy and Loot!

So, Halloween is great fun for adults. But let's be honest, most kids are coming for the candy! If you live in an area where you get a lot of kids, this can be a chore. It can also cost quite a bit too! You can buy popular Halloween candy in stages if you need a lot of it. A few weeks before Halloween, buy the candy and bag up what you have. Do some more the week after, and so on. That’s one less job to do on the day, and you don't have to worry about running out of candy!


Ensuring the house is safe is an overlooked but essential part of creating a Halloween-ready home. Of course, no Halloween party is complete without the right playlist, so get on Spotify or Amazon. Make it easier on yourself by buying and bagging up the Halloween candy in stages.

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