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How To Add Character To Your Outdoor Space

We all dream of the perfect outdoor space - the kind of spot that feels like a natural extension of your personality and home, which can’t be a bad thing. But working out how to make that happen and ensure your outdoor space has plenty of character isn’t always easy - luckily there are some easy (and fun) ways to transform your outdoor area into something wonderful. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the kind of thing you could do that will make a massive difference. 

Photo by Nayara Dinato

Think About Your Seating 

Seating should be more than just a place to plop down and then not think about again; this is a chance to really add some style to your garden, which is what this idea is all about in the end. If there’s one piece of furniture that can be attractive and useful, it’s got to be the Adirondack chair which has a classic, timeless look and is also a wonderfully comfortable place to relax. 

The wide armrests are ideal for resting a drink or a book, for example, and these chairs come in a wide range of colors, from natural wood to something brighter (or you can paint them yourself if you prefer) and that means they’ll be an ideal way to add some character to your outdoor space. 

Plant Some Plants 

Plants are actually a pretty important element when it comes to making your outdoor space have some character, and even if that might sound quite obvious - gardens and backyards will generally have plants anyway - it’s well worth taking the time to think about more. There’s a big difference between just having a few random plants around and having a carefully planned out garden that looks stunning

You can have plants in the ground, of course, but you can also have potted plants on your patio or decking, for example, or some hanging baskets or vines that climb your fence to add layers. You might even want to install a trellis or wall for things to grow up to add some real interest and character. All of that is going to make sure your outdoor space is somewhere you want to spend some time. 

Add Some Lighting 

Lighting is one of those really simple touches that can bring any outdoor space some character even when the sun goes down (or in this case, especially after the sun goes down!). You really don’t have to have anything fancy and you don’t need to get an electrician in to install your lights - you can use solar lights if you want that soak up the sun all day and then shine at night, for example. 

Or how about throwing some fairy lights around a tree or along a fence for something pretty? It might only be a tiny glow and not all that practical, but you can have other lights for actually lighting the way, and these twinkling lights are just so lovely, they’re a great addition to any garden.

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