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Keep the Grass Greener with these First Time Homeowner Tips

 CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

A new home is like a huge blessing. Somewhere to call your own and a place to raise a family is always something to be proud of. However, even brand new homes can come with issues. You can alleviate these and prevent most problems with these handy first time homeowner tips.

Before Anything Else, Check the Gutters

You can’t completely protect a home from the elements. Pretty much as soon as you have moved in, check the gutters. Gutters are a vital part of the home as they carry water away from it. If there is a blockage, crack or leak in the gutters, then water can cause a variety of issues with your house, including electrical fires and mold. Leaf Home offers gutter accessories for healthy drainage such as LeafFilter. But the kids can earn their pocket money with a clear out!

Safety First-Time Homeowner Tips

A home should be safe by its definition. There are around 385,000 house fires in the US alone. As a homeowner, I know that a fire is one of the most devastating things that can happen and is a living nightmare. Even if everyone is okay, your life goes up in flames. As a worst-case scenario, someone is injured or worse. Keep up with safety checks, such as testing the smoke alarms. Other vital checks include carbon monoxide checks, gas leaks, and burglar prevention.

Have Someone Check the Drainage

Drainage is mentioned above as part of the gutter checks you must perform. However, it extends beyond the gutters. Drainage also includes your pipes and plumbing. No one wants to check the sump pumps and septic tank, but if your home relies on these for waste removal, then you need to take care of them. If this really puts you off, then make sure you set aside some cash for a local service to do the work for you. The alternative isn’t worth thinking about.

First-Time Homeowner Tips for Costs

Hiring local services for jobs such as checking septic tanks is a necessary cost. There are many necessary costs when it comes to your home. Homeownership is a responsibility, and not taking care of the property results in dire issues. Here are some tips for budgeting for home care:

  • Insurance isn’t necessary but is a massive help if something goes wrong. 

  • Work out how much you will need for utilities such as gas, electricity, and water.

  • Set aside about 1% to 2% of your home’s worth for annual maintenance.

  • Create an itemized list of expenses to see exactly where your money is going.

  • Good financial health includes an emergency fund for expensive issues.

The costs of taking care of the home can add up. However, you can offset major expenditures with budgeting. Annual budgeting ensures you can take care of the necessary maintenance, resulting in the prevention of major issues down the line and massive peace of mind.

Spruce Up the Outside

Your home is probably nice and cozy and just the way you want inside! But what about the outside? Taking care of your home extends to keeping up with its looks. A fresh coat of paint, cleaning the windows, and trimming the hedges help make you feel proud of your home. These can be especially powerful and enjoyable if you spend time outside, such as on the porch, decking, or patio. It can cost and take some effort, but it ends up with a nice home to look at!

Gardening First-Time Homeowner Tips

Gardening is a popular hobby these days. Flowers, herbs, and vegetables are three of the most grown things in a modern garden. But even if you just want a pristine lawn, garden care is one of the most relaxing things you can do. Today, about 55% of Americans with a garden enjoy getting outside and taking care of it. Consider what you want and need before making any drastic changes, though. Invest in good tools and a sturdy shed to store your items.

Keep Up with the Essentials

Now that we’ve covered the essential maintenance tasks, it is important to state that you must keep up with them. There are major issues later on if you neglect your home. These issues will pile up and become very expensive to fix. However, with seasonal and annual maintenance, you can prevent most of them, and catch minor incoming problems before they become a massive headache. Budgeting for your needs and insurance helps keep the costs as low as possible.


Taking care of the gutters is probably the most essential of any first time homeowner tips. You can offset any major costs with a seasonal or annual budget and insurance. These costs can be further kept as low as possible by keeping up with essential maintenance tasks for your home.

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