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Just How Much Can Renovation Improve The Value Of My Home?


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It’s easy for home advice blogs to talk about your household as if it’s some kind of belonging you only deal with when most convenience. But for most homeowners, their house isn’t just a place to live - it’s one of their biggest investments too. That’s why the idea of renovating can be so appealing and seem like such a win-win. 

Who wouldn’t want to improve the space they live in and, at the same time, increase its value? But of course, the question is: just how much can renovation improve the value of your home? After all, the last thing you want is to pour time, money, and energy into a project that doesn’t actually deliver the returns you’re hoping for, or that leaves you worse off due to the new design not appealing to buyers.

The truth is, the impact of renovation on home value can vary quite a bit, depending on what you’re doing, how much you’re investing, and even where you live. But like anything, with some smart planning, you can make sure your efforts pay off. The advantage here is that you know your home like no one else.

So, what should you consider when thinking about home renovations to boost value? Let’s take a look:

Prioritize Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades

Kitchens and bathrooms tend to be the two spaces that buyers care most about, and this is where you’ll often see the biggest return on investment for obvious reasons. A fresh, modern kitchen with new countertops, updated appliances, and new storage can really impress buyers. All other rooms can be changed around for the most part. A living space can have new sofas and you can change the power outlets. But a kitchen is purpose-built. The same goes for bathrooms. A clean space with new fixtures can instantly improve the feel of a home and it’s comfort. In other words, the two most social and private rooms in the house are worth the focus.

Consider Adding More Living Space

Another great renovation choice could involve adding more living space to your home. You can then list the property as having more, be that more living areas, or converting an attic into a bedroom to increase the bed count, finishing a basement, or even building a small extension, all of this can massively boost your home’s value because while the overall size might be the same, the utility isn’t. Of course, these kinds of projects require a bigger investment upfront, but they also offer the potential to pay for itself, especially if you’re adding a bedroom or another highly desirable space like that. Just make sure you use the right home remodel contractor to achieve the best outcome.

Focus On Curb Appeal

You could have the most beautiful interiors in the world, but if the exterior of your home doesn’t look appealing or functional even, you might struggle to attract buyers in the first place. Unfortunately, first impressions really do define a fair amount. That’s why thinking about updating your front door or fixing that screened porch, repainting the exterior, or even just reinvesting in your landscaping can all have a big impact and let your home seem more cohesive. These kinds of changes might not be as expensive as a full kitchen remodel, and they can still make a big difference in how your home is perceived - and ultimately, in its value.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to consider just how much renovation can improve the value of your home space.

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