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How to Tag Products on Instagram with Easy Steps

Instagram has become a popular social media platform for businesses and brands in the last five years. There are hundreds of brands that are making sales on this platform and since users spend much time here, you should know how to tag products on Instagram. By tagging your product, you can allow users to explore and shop directly on Instagram. In this way, you can remove any obstacles in the customers’ way.

Today's guide aims to explore how tagging products can help brands and how you can tag your product to create a seamless experience for your customers.

Why Should You Tag Products on Instagram?

When you tag your products on Instagram, you can get significant benefits from it. You can easily create links that directly go to your products. In this way, your customers can easily explore your products and shop without leaving Instagram. There are two main advantages here, this move can significantly increase your traffic to your own shop, and you can increase your engagements since customers are actively interacting with your content.

  • Increased Visibility

Tags serve as direct links between the platform and the product. In customers’ eyes, this makes navigation so much easier, and they can easily discover more products. Since that’s the case, by tagging your product you can easily increase your visibility and gain more customers.

  • Simplified Shopping Experience

Since tagging products on Instagram removes the unnecessary step in the buying process, your customers can easily view and make purchases without leaving Instagram. This simplified shopping experience can significantly increase your sales.

  • Improved Engagement

Once you tag a product on your posts, you are simply encouraging your followers to click on it and explore your product. This interaction can significantly increase your engagement in the long run.

Preparing Your Instagram Account for Product Tagging

If you want to tag your products on Instagram, there are couple of requirements that you need to meet such as you have to have a business account, personal account cannot tag any product on their post, you have to set your account as business. After you set your account as a business, you need to connect it to Instagram Shop. It allows you to showcase your products on Instagram.

If you don’t know how to convert your personal account into a business account, you can simply follow these steps and change it.

How to Switch to a Business Account

  1. Go to Your Profile

Open the app and go to your profile page.

  1. Open Settings

After that, there are three horizontal lines in the top right corner, click on it and find your “Settings.” 

  1. Professional Account

 In this menu, you find “Accounts” and after that tap on “Switch to Professional Account.”

  1. Choose Business

On this page, you can see the types of accounts. Find and choose “Business”. In this section, Instagram might ask you to link to your Facebook page. This is important because in order to use some features, you have to have a Facebook page.

  1. Complete Your Profile

Fill in the necessary information here such as business type, details of your business, and category.

  1. Start Using Business Tools

After you are done, you can use Insights, ads, and product tagging.

Setting Up Your Instagram Shop

  1. Connect to a Facebook Catalog

To use Instagram Shop, you need to create a product catalog on Facebook’s Commerce Manager.

  1. Submit Your Account for Review

After that Instagram will review your account and you have to meet certain criteria in order to set your account for Instagram Shopping.
- Go to your “Settings.”

- Click on “Business”

- And choose “Set Up Instagram Shopping.”

  1. Connect Your Catalog to Instagram

After a short while, you’ll receive an approved notification. After you are approved, you have to link your product catalog to your Instagram on the “Shopping” section in the settings.

  1. Enable Shopping on Instagram

After that, you can tag products on Instagram.

How to Tag Products on Instagram Posts

Tagging products on Instagram posts is a quite simple thing to do. By following these steps, you can easily do it and maximize the tags’ impact.

  • Create Your Instagram Post

Open your Instagram and click on the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen. After that, choose your photo or video.

  • Add Details

And then you can add your filters and edits if you want. Lastly, add your caption. Tell your customers what’s it about. Don't forget to be engaging and interesting.

  • Tag Products on Instagram Post

Once you are done with your caption, at the bottom, you can see that “Tag People” and “Tag Products.” Choose “Tag Products” option.

  • Select Your Product

Click on the product and then search for it in your catalog. If you want, you can tag multiple products on one Instagram post.

If you follow these steps, you can easily tag products on your Instagram posts so that your followers can easily find and buy them from your posts without leaving Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I tag products on Instagram Stories as well as posts?

Yes, you can easily tag products on Instagram Stories too, you can simply select tag products, and the search bar will appear, find your product there, and choose it from your catalog. It is the same process as the regular posting.

How do I edit or remove a product tag after I've posted?

You can edit or remove products from your posts. Go to your post and click on the three dots in the corner, after that, you can do whatever you want. Remember to save changes after you are done.

Is there a limit to the number of products I can tag in a single Instagram post?

Yes, there is a limitation. You can only tag 20 products on a single Instagram post. However, overwhelming your audience with your tags can cause harm to your sales and engagement. It’s recommended that you only tag relevant products with one or two times on a single post.

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