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Fireplace recipes you should try this autumn

As the weather cools and the leaves begin to change, one of my favorite ways to spend an autumn or winter evening is gathered around our beautiful fireplace with my husband, “Chef Bob”, cooking simple and delicious food that brings us all together. Our family loves these moments—full of warmth, laughter, and the wonderful aromas that fill the house. Cooking over the fire takes me back to childhood memories, and it’s a fun way to involve everyone, especially the kids, in preparing a cozy meal. Here are some of our favorite fireplace recipes for a memorable family night.

1. Campfire Pizzas

We love making mini campfire pizzas! I prepare the dough beforehand using this simple recipe, and everyone gets to create their own pizza by adding their favorite toppings. Bob is a master at getting the perfect fire to cook these pizzas to a golden perfection, and we love how the crust turns crispy while the cheese gets all melty and delicious. The kids enjoy making their pizzas, and it’s so much fun watching them bubble up by the fire.


2. Roasted Hot Dogs

If you’re looking for something quick and easy, roasted hot dogs are always a hit. We sit around the fire, each of us holding our long skewers and roasting our own hot dogs. It’s a classic, but the kids adore the process. We often add fun toppings to spice things up—sometimes I’ll make this chili ahead of time, and we’ll turn it into a chili dog night. Bob likes his hot dogs simple with mustard, but I go for the works!


3. Cheese-Stuffed Breadsticks

These cheese-stuffed breadsticks are a recent favorite. Using premade bread dough, I stuff them with mozzarella cheese, and then we wrap them in aluminum foil. It doesn’t take long for the bread to get golden and for the cheese to become all gooey inside. We dip these in marinara sauce, and it’s the perfect little treat to enjoy as we sit by the warm fire.

4. Vegetable Foil Packs

I always like to sneak in some vegetables, and veggie foil packs are such a simple way to do it! I chop up some zucchini, bell peppers, and carrots, toss them with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and then wrap them tightly in foil. Placing the packets near the fire, they cook through beautifully, and the flavors intensify with that slight smoky taste. Even Bob, who’s not the biggest veggie fan, loves these!


5. S’mores Dessert Pizza

For dessert, we go all out with s’mores pizza. We start with pizza dough, spread a layer of chocolate over the top, and add mini marshmallows and crushed graham crackers. Once it’s cooked near the fire, the marshmallows get all toasty, and the chocolate melts into the dough. It’s a fun, messy treat that never fails to bring smiles to everyone’s faces—Bob and I included!


6. Apple and Cinnamon Foil Packets

This dessert is a bit more on the healthy side but still so indulgent! I slice up some apples, toss them with cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter, and wrap them in foil. We let them cook by the fire until the apples soften and caramelize. The cinnamon fills the room with a warm, sweet scent, and I’ll often serve them with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a perfect end to the night.


7. Fireplace Popcorn

No fireplace family night is complete without a batch of fireplace popcorn. We use an old-fashioned popcorn popper, and Bob is usually the one to shake it over the fire while the rest of us wait for that first pop. There’s something magical about popcorn made over an open flame, and we often flavor it with different toppings like parmesan, garlic powder, or even cinnamon sugar for a sweet twist. 


My top 3 tips for cooking by the fireplace

  1. Safety First: It’s important to keep a close eye on the kids while cooking over the fire. Bob is always on fire-watch duty, making sure everything and everyone stays safe and fun.
  2. Cast-Iron Cookware: We swear by our cast-iron skillet for fireplace cooking. It holds up so well against the heat and cooks everything evenly.
  3. Prep Ahead: I like to have everything prepped beforehand. This makes it easy to focus on the fun part—cooking and spending time together.


Enjoy the magical time

There’s something magical about cooking over a fire, especially when it’s shared with family. These simple recipes bring warmth and joy to our home, creating memories that we’ll treasure forever. Whether it’s making s’mores pizza or roasting hot dogs, we find so much comfort in these moments, and I hope you and your family do too. Enjoy the warmth of the fire and the love that cooking together brings!

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