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9 Strategies to Choose the Best Truck Accident Lawyer

Anyone who has experienced a truck accident or lost a loved one to the negligence of another will not trivialize the need to hire an attorney. Of course, many lawyers claim to be specialists in truck accident cases, but some have more experience than others. 

You may need a reputable lawyer like attorney Rich Godshall of Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers to help you handle your truck accident case. With their aid, you stand a better chance of getting fair compensation. This piece explains the factors you must consider when selecting a truck accident lawyer for your case. 

The First Might Not Be the Best

Do not hastily settle for the first attorney you meet; search extensively for a legal professional specializing in truck crash issues before settling for your preferred choice. 

Interestingly, you can access online testimonials of your potential lawyer before hiring them. Settle for the highly-rated one!

Consider the Attorney’s Location

Hire a law firm with a verifiable office address for your truck accident case because there might be developments during the case that may call for physical interactions. Face-to-face interaction is essential because it can make the process more expeditious and efficient. 

However, if your lawyer cannot meet you physically for some crucial and understandable reason, they should respond to phone calls promptly and offer alternatives to hasten the process.

Things are simpler if the lawyer has a paralegal to help you in the case. If you prefer this path, ensure the paralegal is knowledgeable on personal injury regulations and works hard as your lawyer. Sticking with a firm with a lawyer and paralegal working collaboratively for effective communication and quickly dealing with changes as the case progresses is advisable.

Get Recommendations from Friends and Relatives

If any of your loved ones had experienced a truck accident, they might refer you to someone who handled their case commendably. Check the websites of prospective attorneys to learn about their specialties. Do not forget to inquire about their success rate in similar cases to yours. 

Go for an attorney with a proven track record for winning truck accident cases. Remember that you are up against corporations with big pockets who will stop at nothing to outsmart you. Hence, you need a truly experienced and qualified lawyer to match up with them. 

Meet with Potential Attorneys

Hiring a lawyer without meeting with them, physically or virtually, is not advisable. Find out if their office is close to where you live or work. Also, it is a red flag if the lawyer does not appear attentive or patient during your first meeting! Go for a professional who is attentive to detail and willing to explain every aspect of your case. 

Provide your lawyer with all the necessary documents and information to make your case successful. Research some likely questions that might pop up during the consultation beforehand. 

Settle for a Reputable Law Firm

One of the things you should pay attention to when speaking to your potential lawyers is if they have the latest technology and resources. Also, go for a firm with an exciting record of success in recovering compensation. 

Ultimately, your preferred attorney should be able to clearly explain things to you and grant you access to crucial resources. The office should constantly communicate with you. 

Experience in Handling Similar Cases

One of the first questions you should ask your potential lawyer is if they have handled cases similar to yours and the results they got. If they do not have sufficient practical experience in matters similar to yours, they are not the right fit for you. Furthermore, ask them if they have ever gone on trial and the kind of result they got. 

An ideal lawyer will give you different instances they have handled similar cases and their impressive results. They will also study your case thoroughly to ensure they understand every detail of it. They must also have access to the necessary resources to make your case successful. 

Proper and Efficient Communication

You should not be timid to contact your lawyer when unfamiliar problems arise. For instance, if you decide to get a second opinion on an injury, they should be enthusiastic to help you complete the process. In addition, they should constantly update you on the status of your case. 

They should also be available for questions. Providing you with detailed information on your case will help you make informed decisions. Before finalizing your attorney, ensure that you are satisfied with the frequency and channels of communication they utilize. 


The right lawyer will be transparent to help you make an informed decision. They must also be open about their charges without shifting the goalpost in the middle of the case. They must let you know how much they will collect from your monetary compensation. 

Fees or Total Charges

Most lawyers charge a contingency fee based on a percentage of the settlement amount. If an attorney wants to charge more than a 40 percent fee, do not proceed with them. In some cases, such as cases involving a minor, a lower fee may be available and appropriate. In addition, certain cases, such as Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) claims against the U.S. Government, have capped fees. 


Given the many factors that need to be considered when dealing with a truck accident, hiring a reputable lawyer is par for the course. Carefully considering each of these aspects when choosing a lawyer helps you hone in on the perfect attorney suited to your particular case requirements. Don’t deal with a truck accident alone; help is available!

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