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5 Tips to Ride Safely When Taking an Uber

 Riding in an Uber sees you getting in a stranger’s car, so, you want to make sure you stay safe. In this article, we’ll cover some practical tips to make sure of just this. Remember always to follow these safety steps to make your Uber ride as secure as possible. 

Verify Your Ride Before Entry

Before you get into your Uber, always double-check the details to ensure you're entering the right vehicle. Confirm the license plate number in the app. It should match the one on the car. This simple step can prevent many potential issues.

Ensure the driver's name and photo in the app match the person picking you up. Steps to Verify:

  1. Open the app.
  2. Check the car’s license plate.
  3. Match the driver's name and photo.
  4. Ask the driver to verify your name.

Request Your Ride from a Safe Location

When using Uber, it’s important to prioritize your safety by requesting your ride from a secure spot. By waiting in a well-lit area or a busy public place, you minimize risks. Stay indoors if possible until you receive the driver's arrival notification on the app. Being indoors can greatly reduce your chances of encountering driver impersonators.

Consider places like cafes, lobbies, or other indoor venues for waiting. These environments usually offer better safety compared to isolated street corners. If there’s an accident at any point during the ride, an Uber accident lawyer is in the best position to help. 

Stay Connected and Informed

When you are using Uber, it's crucial to stay connected with friends or family. Always share your trip status. Uber and other ride-hailing apps allow you to do this easily. Share details like your driver's name, photo, license plate, and the trip's progress with a trusted contact.

Communicate proactively. If you feel uneasy at any point, let the driver know that others are aware of your location and journey details. This can act as a deterrent for any potential misconduct.

Leave Feedback and Report Concerns

Giving feedback after each ride is crucial. Uber asks you to rate your trip through the app. This helps maintain a high level of safety and service. Always be honest in your ratings. Whether it's a great experience or an issue, your feedback can make a difference.

If anything goes wrong during the ride, report it. Uber has a 24/7 response team that will follow up on your concerns. This includes any form of unsafe behavior, such as reckless driving or inappropriate comments.

Here's how you can report an issue:

  1. Open the Uber app.
  2. Go to "Your Trips."
  3. Select the trip you want to report.
  4. Choose the reason for your report.

Related Questions

What Should You Do if You Feel Unsafe in an Uber?

If you ever feel uncomfortable during a ride, use the Uber app to get help. Tap the safety shield icon and select "Contact safety agent" to connect with an ADT agent via phone or text. For urgent situations, use the in-app Emergency Button to call 911.  

Which is Safer, Uber or Lyft?

Regarding safety, both Uber and Lyft have their merits, but there are differences you should know. Uber generally edges out in comprehensive driver screenings and vehicle inspections, providing extra layers of safety protocols. Safety features like real-time ride tracking and emergency contacts are standard in both apps.

What is the Safest Seat in an Uber?

For the safest ride, you should sit in the back seat. This is especially important if you’re riding alone. Sitting in the back seat allows you to exit from either side of the vehicle, ensuring that you avoid moving traffic when leaving the car. Choosing the back seat also provides a bit of personal space between you and the driver.  


Always request your ride from a safe place and wait indoors until your driver arrives. Follow the trip on your app to ensure you're on the right route. Communicate your travel details to a friend or family member. Being aware and proactive about your safety measures makes for a much more secure travel experience.

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