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3 Preparations To Make Before Receiving Guests In Your Home

 Pexels - CC0 License

While welcoming people into your home can be a little nerve-wracking, there’s certainly something warm and jovial about hospitality. It’s nice to be accommodating, and to have your guests offer gratitude to you in kind. It’s nice to cook for people, to provide them a warm bed, and to welcome them with coffee or tea in the morning. There’s a celebratory feel about it all, and it makes a nice difference to the routine you’re used to.

No matter, if you’re hosting your parents as they come to stay with you for a sibling’s wedding, welcoming a friend as they process a relationship breakup and need somewhere to sleep, or seeing a long-lost friend once more as they return from abroad, receiving guests in your home is certainly fun, but takes a little preparation to get right.

But how should you prepare? Well, you get to define the parameters. In this post, we’ll offer some warm suggestions that could help you most of all:

Provide Towels, Blankets, Comforts

Sure, towels, blankets, and other comforts are small gestures, but they go a long way in helping someone feel welcome to your home. Towels stacked neatly on the bed or in the guest bathroom save your guest from having to ask, which is always appreciated. Blankets placed within easy reach allow them to stay cozy, whether it’s a chillier evening or they simply prefer a little extra warmth while relaxing. Even a reed diffuser in the spare bedroom to make the space smell nicer can be enough. It’s little touches that count.

Prepare The Bedding & Private Areas

Fresh, clean sheets help make the guest room (or wherever they’re staying) feel ready and inviting, and yes, it’s a small detail, but fresh linens always make a space feel more restful. Even if your guests are staying on a pullout couch or air mattress, making sure the bedding is prepped and comfortable can show the home is ready for them and they’re not intruding.

It’s also worth thinking about the private areas your guest might need, like a guest bathroom or space for their belongings. Even a little cleared room in the closet can make it easier for them.

Clean The Bathrooms

We’re not suggesting your bathrooms are dirty of course, but it can be nice to touch them up before a guest arrives. That could involve wiping down surfaces, ensuring fresh hand towels are in place, and making sure all the necessary toiletries are stocked - you don’t want to leave them without toilet roll. If you’ve had issues with a bathroom now might be a good place to fix it, such as resolving that smell through professional drain cleaning and sink repair to ensure no nasty drain smells come after a shower. You can also make sure the curtains or blinds are functional to ensure privacy when they need it.

With this advice you’ll be certain to make the best preparations before welcoming guests into your home.

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