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What You Can Do to Create a Pinterest-Perfect Front Lawn


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So, you’ve spent hours scrolling through Pinterest, dreaming of a front lawn that looks like it was ripped straight from the pages of a glossy magazine. You know the one—lush green grass, perfectly placed plants, maybe even a charming little pathway that leads up to your front door. They really are perfect, and crazy enough, you rarely ever see those types of homes in person. Sure, you’d think you would, but surprisingly enough, they’re fairly rare.

Now, it’s definitely possible to arrange this yourself, you can definitely get yours hands dirty and DIY this or you could even get a pro, it’s really up to you. But it’s abut the vision itself. You need to get the vision right in order to get the Pinterest perfect home just right. So, with that all said, here’s exactly what you need to know!

Start With a Plan

Before you grab a shovel or start impulse-buying plants, you need to map out a plan. So, just go ahead and think of it like cooking a fancy dinner—you wouldn’t just start throwing ingredients together without a recipe, right? The same goes for your front lawn. 

So, you’l need to just go ahead and start by considering what you already have and what you want. Do you have a big, open space that’s begging for some structure? Or maybe a smaller area that needs to be maximized? What about sunlight? Overall, you need to take note of how much sun different areas of your lawn get, as this will help you choose the right plants.

Pick the Right Plants

Needless to say, plants are the stars of your front lawn, so choose them wisely. The key to a Pinterest-worthy yard is variety. You want a mix of heights, textures, and colors to create visual interest and keep things from looking flat. For example, you’re ging to want to just go ahead and think tall grasses that sway in the breeze, shrubs that add structure, and flowers that provide pops of color.

It’s also important to consider how your plants will look throughout the year. Sure, that flowering bush might be stunning in the spring, but what happens in the winter? So that’s exactly why you want to look for plants that offer year-round appeal, whether it’s through evergreen foliage, interesting bark, or even the way they catch the light.

Landscaping Needs Some Hardscaping

Those Pinterest-perfect lawns and gardens have charming, strong pathways lined up with lavender and other pretty things that look super coordinated. Basically, that’s part of hardscaping, and pretty much that’s what a professional can do when it comes to landscape design. They’re the ones who help you figure out your layout and what works. 

There’s a lot of work in balance in a garden because it doesn’t take much to make it look chaotic rather than cute and cozy. That's basically the secret to a Pinterest-perfect garden: the right landscaping, thanks to the help of a professional.

The Finishing Touches

Now that you’ve got your plants and hardscaping in place, it’s time to add those finishing touches that really make your lawn pop. So, that means that you’re going to want to just go ahead and think about adding outdoor lighting to highlight your favorite features or a few well-placed garden ornaments that reflect your personality. 

Even something as simple as a colorful doormat or a couple of hanging baskets can tie everything together and make your front lawn feel complete.

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