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The best social media trends you need to know

 If you want to grow on social media, follow the trends. By trends, we're not talking about the latest memes or challenges, but instead, the overall trends happening year after year. This post will look at the best trends happening in 2024 so far. Also, if you want to grow your social media, visit this website to learn more about how you can.


One of the biggest trends in social media this year is AI. AI tools let you make content on the fly. ChatGPT enables you to draft posts. Sora is an emerging AI that lets you create realistic videos through text. There are many AI image tools as well.

These tools can help you craft content much faster. Do you need an interesting image to accompany a post? Whip it up with an image maker. Do you need a video as a proof of concept? You may be able to with something like Sora.

That said, AI is a tool that has brought many concerns as well. In an age when people are looking for authenticity, AI can seem authentic. However, AI can have errors; for example, a poorly prompted image can look like an abomination instead of something real.

That's why it's essential to disclose your use of AI and still have the human touch whenever you can. There is a proper balance between embracing the new technologies without alienating your team from doing so.


This one goes off the AI trend. While AI is a valuable trend that can grow your platform, people also want authenticity. In a world where it feels like most people are just trying to sell you something or the account feels robotic, authenticity attracts users like an oasis in the desert.

That's why it's so important to be authentic whenever you can. Can you show some behind-the-scenes content that lets people know that your brand is as human as it comes? Can you interact with your customers and be a little playful? This mindset will go a long way.

Speaking Out

Another trend that has made many brands stand out is their speaking out about causes they believe in. Many businesses like to signal virtue by talking about how sustainable they are or how they support diversity. But the most beloved and memorable brands go a little further in this regard. They regularly update their customers about how they are making changes and share news relating to their causes.

If you're a brand with a mission statement, let it be known! You don't need to spend your entire feed morally grandstanding, as this may push away customers, but don't be afraid to speak out if you feel like your brand must acknowledge something.

Personalized Customer Support

This trend is part of authenticity but deserves its own section. In recent times, many brands have adopted automatic responses. If someone tags a brand account with a complaint, the brand account may make an automatic response or one that feels like it was constructed with ChatGPT. It can seem inauthentic when a customer has a complaint or even is voicing their support.

That's why it's important for businesses to have human responses to customers' issues. A human response may be the difference between losing and retaining a customer.

Long and Short-Form Videos

Another trend seeing an increase in popularity is long-form video.

In the past several years, short-form videos have been the king of content. People love digestible TikToks, YouTube Shorts, Reels, and other small videos they can watch and enjoy. With that said, long-form videos are making a comeback. TikTok has been pushing longer videos on its algorithm, and platforms like X (formerly Twitter) have ways for users to upload longer videos.

Longer videos can be engaging, especially if you can deep dive into a subject that interests your target audience. The best strategy is to embrace both. Create short-form content daily and a more extended video occasionally. The longer video can even be a compilation of your previous videos, letting your fans binge-watch your content.

Shoppable Content

No matter the industry you're in, you should know that shoppable content is king in 2024—most people who shop online do so through their mobile devices. Many websites, such as Instagram, have taken notice, and they now have a method customers can use to shop online.

With a “Shop now” option on your social media profile, users can pay for your products without leaving the app, which is convenient and may increase your sales.

SEO Optimization

SEO is something that some businesses believe is reserved for websites. In truth, however, you should be using the best SEO practices on your social media page as well. Your bio should be rich in hashtags and keywords that will get people noticing. The same applies to the captions on your photos. If you don’t optimize your content, people will not know where to find it. Be sure they can!

A Sense of Community

In today's world, it can be difficult to find a community. Therefore, making your social media page a community hub is a great trend to follow. If you can, create a community like a Discord server, Facebook Group, or even your main page.

One way to build community is to like and respond to comments and implement user-generated content. If someone tags you in a post using your product, showcase it to the world. If someone makes a funny comment, feature it.

The more your community builds, the better your customers' connection with you will be. Not only that, but they will invite their friends to participate, helping your community thrive further. Plus, you can meet some amazing people through your community, including influencers and other businesses.

These are several trends we are seeing, and you should implement them into your strategy. Remember that social media is constantly changing, and you should always look toward emerging trends if you want to get a head start. Good luck.

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