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Sure Signs You've Been Decorating All Wrong, According To Design Experts

 Embarking on any decorating project in the home can feel like a pretty extreme task. Even small room touch-ups can end up taking weeks as you plan color choices and new layouts, then buy everything you need to get started. Unfortunately, according to the experts, even these efforts aren’t enough to prevent the mistakes that often arise with DIY decor jobs. 

Unsurprisingly considering our lack of expertise, we simply don’t always know the best decorating techniques or the finishes we need to create a great space. Does this mean we should spend thousands bringing professional decorators on board for every room in our homes? Not necessarily, but there’s no denying that your home could benefit if you took steps to avoid the following common decor mistakes most commonly highlighted by the pros. 

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Mistake 1: Doing Things in the Wrong Order

If you make the mistake of painting before stocking up on new furniture or bringing in carpet companies before a paint job, then you’re sure to run into a fair few decorating disasters. That’s why you must always approach home decor jobs in the right order. While it’s tempting to stock up on furniture and other additions as soon as you envision your new room, it’s always better to start by painting. This protects your new pieces from stray splatters, while also guaranteeing that everything you bring in the space is 100% suited to your new color scheme and layout.

Mistake 2: Failing to Let Go of What You’ve Got

For budgeting and sentimental reasons, it can be tempting to hold onto old furniture after decorating a space. But experts believe it’s rarely a good idea to do so. As well as often feeling like a poor fit for your new decor, old pieces can look surprisingly tired in freshly painted rooms alongside brand-new furniture. That’s not to say nothing you own can survive a room refresh, but rather that it’s worth thinking hard about what you’re keeping and what place it plays in your new ideas for that room. 

Mistake 3: Over or Under Decorating

Design experts state that over or under-decorating is the biggest mistake we make when finishing our rooms. And they’re fatal issues that could stop any new space from reaching its decor potential. Whether you’re tempted to fill every corner with new furniture and trinkets or have bought far too few pieces for your new room, you’re sure to end up with an unbalanced finished product. Instead, avoid these issues by looking seriously at the space you have, and making sure everything has its place before you hit buy. Do this for all the different rooms in your home, and you will be amazed by how much more welcoming and well-rounded your DIY decor can become. 

Decorating might not seem like the hardest home renovation job in the world, but you’d be amazed by how many people get it wrong. Make sure you’re no longer one of them by taking advice from the experts and avoiding these three fatal mistakes.

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