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Steps To Become a Licensed Plumber in Colorado

 Are you thinking about starting a career as a plumber? If so, get ready to enjoy a long-lasting and possibly lucrative career. Whether you decide to become a Colorado Springs plumber or in a larger city like Denver, you never have to worry about running out of work. 

As long as people need water flowing in and out of their homes and businesses, you’ll always have clients. So, how do you become a licensed plumber in Colorado?

Plumber License Requirements

The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports projected job growth of 31% nationwide in the plumbing industry over the next couple of years. 

In Colorado, it’s estimated the job market will grow around 2%, meaning that, if you’re considering a career as a plumber, now's a great time to start. However, before you start filling out job applications you need to have a plumber's license.

Colorado recognizes three types or levels of plumbing licenses. Each license requirement also builds off of the others. For example, if you meet the requirements for a residential plumber license it carries over to a journeyman. Each type of plumber license requires a specific number of practical experience hours. So, your hours of experience for a residential license can carry over to a journeyman’s and finally a master plumber's license.

Here’s a look at the licensing requirements for each type of plumbers license:

  • Residential requires two years for a total of 3,400 hours of practical experience

  • Journeyman must have four years for a total of 6,800 hours of practical experience

  • Master takes five years of full-time practical experience which equals 8,500 hours.

To break it down a little further, you should receive 163 hours of practical experience for every month you work full-time as an apprentice.

How to Get a Colorado Plumber’s License

Before starting the licensing process, you must be at least 18 years old, which is a state requirement and there really aren’t any exceptions. You’re also required to register as an apprentice with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies. You have 30 days to send in your registration after being hired as an apprentice by a licensed plumbing company.

Your employee must also be a licensed master plumber or have one on staff willing to let you tag along for the two-year training period. Your apprenticeship application is attached to a copy of the master plumber’s license, which establishes a record of your apprenticeship.

So, what happens after finishing your two-year apprenticeship? You can apply for a residential plumber license. To receive your residential license, you must pass the exam and pay the associated fees. 

After passing the exam, you should receive a copy of your residential plumber license and can start going out on jobs without supervision. However, your license is only valid for residential work, you’re not qualified to repair, replace, or install commercial plumbing systems.

Steps to Become a Journeyman and Master Plumber

Okay, you’re a residential plumber and want to continue advancing your career so what are your next steps? The next licensing level is becoming a journeyman plumber, which allows you to tackle more complex projects which typically means higher pay. Since you have a residential plumber’s license, you’re halfway to becoming a journeyman.

You need four years of practical experience and you already have two years under your belt. Once you have four years of documented experience, you can apply for a journeyman’s license. Yes, there’s an exam and licensing fees. However, the minimal fee is worth the expense when you receive your journeyman’s plumbing license.

Now, there’s only one more licensing level to go and you only need one more year of practical experience. To receive a master plumber’s license, you must have five years of on-the-job experience. Since it takes four years to get your journeyman’s license, another 12 months shouldn’t be a big deal. 

Once again, there are exam and licensing fees but you’re also a master plumber. You can keep working for the same company or consider branching out on your own. With a master plumbing license, you can open a company and manage employees.

Don’t Forget to Renew Your Plumbing License

Regardless of the type of plumbing license, it expires every February 28th of odd-numbered years. So, your plumber license is valid in 2024 but expires on February 28th, 2025. 

Don’t panic, you don’t need to go through the entire process again. You only need to take eight hours of continuing education. You may even be able to take an accredited course online. Becoming a licensed plumber takes time but for most, it’s well worth the effort to get started on your career..

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