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How Viral Social Media Trends Can Drive Offline Engagement

When you take advantage of a trend, you may wonder if it matters. Say you own a brick-and-mortar business. Will posting about the latest memes increase your sales? As it turns out, yes! So, let's look at how social media trends affect business. Also, learn how you can get more comments for Instagram via BuyTopLikes.

Going Viral is Like Magic

Since the Internet exploded in the late 2000s and early 2010s, the term "going viral" has become the main goal for many businesses. The idea is that you make a post that gets spread around by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. You may have created the trend, or you may have contributed to a trend that outshines others. Whatever the case, now there are many, many eyes on you. If you're a business, this means the opportunity to gain more sales.

But going viral feels like a magic phenomenon. It’s something that there aren’t many statistics for at the end of the day. While there are certainly ways to increase your chances, it feels almost random, like you were chosen from the viral gods.

Does Being Involved With a Viral Trend Lead to More Sales?

The answer is yes. Many small businesses have had a viral post and have experienced a massive bump in sales. However, it depends on the photo, video, or post.

For example, if you make a TikTok showing the food your restaurant serves and it goes viral, many people in the area may want to check out your product. If you sell fashion, you may get more orders.

If you post a meme that has nothing to do with your business, you may not see many sales. That's why it's crucial to incorporate your brand into your posts without sounding too salesy. If it feels too much like an ad, people may watch another video.

That said, it also depends on what audience you reach. Sometimes, your viral post may leave its target audience. They may share your post, like it, and find it hilarious but aren't interested in the products you have to sell. This can be undoubtedly frustrating, but the more eyes you have on your page, the bigger chance you have to win people over.

How to Increase Your Chances of Going Viral

Again, going viral is like magic, but this does not mean there isn't a science to it. Here are some tips to better your chances of going viral.

Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience, building character profiles, and researching the people who follow your competitors are all important, and this is true for going viral as well. You need to know what makes your audience laugh, what they find insightful, and what they’re likely to repost in general.

You can visit the profiles of your target audience to get a better idea. Look at what they're posting and liking, and then respond accordingly.

Follow the Trends

What’s trending on social media right now? What are some viral hashtags you can follow? What’s the current hot meme? What videos on TikTok are getting millions of views?

It's important to study trends and create content related to them while the iron is hot. Remember, meme culture evolves fast. You should not only follow trends as soon as possible but also try to be a trendsetter.

Make Quality Content

Be timely, but don't rush content related to trends. You want to make a well-shot video or photo and use quality editing. Start your videos off with a hook that gets people to want to watch until the end. Make a photo that catches the eyes of someone who keeps scrolling.

What is “Quality” does depend on your brand, your audience, and what’s trending at the time. But the rules of good composition and having a hook are eternal.

Use the Right Hashtags and Keywords

It's always essential to make your post searchable. You can create the hottest meme in the world, but if people can't find it, it's going to be obscure. Use around 5 hashtags per post, and use hashtags that have many followers, but not too many. Using "Viral" hashtags is never the solution, as there's usually too much competition.

Don’t Give Up!

You may be a little disappointed if your post isn't doing numbers, but remember that not everyone can go viral all the time. As long as your posts are getting a decent amount of engagement, you should keep doing what you're doing. And if your posts aren't doing well, you may need to go back to the drawing board.

With That Said, It’s Not a Perfect Social Media Solution

Going viral can net you more sales and fans. However, social media trends go as fast as they come. Once your viral fame goes down, you may see fewer sales. You’ll retain some customers, but some of them will be fair-weathered and move on to the next big thing.

That’s why your goal as a social media account should never be to “Go viral.” You want to have a smart social media marketing strategy, and this can include posting about the latest trends. But chasing clout as your only focus will not net you success in the long run.

Instead, creating a great product, consistently posting on social media, and interacting with your fans can be the long-term solution. Slow and steady wins the race is a motto that has been around for thousands of years. Many people forget that in today's hectic social media age. Just keep doing what you're doing, and you will find your audience.

Final Thoughts

Viral social media trends can lead to more sales. People will follow your account, see the products you offer, and pay you a visit. That said, social media fame is not your only goal. If you only focus on going viral, you will not see long-term success. Keep that in mind, and your business will see success.

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