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Four Spots to Focus On When Decluttering Your Bedroom


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When it comes to decluttering, the bedroom is usually the most overlooked part of the house. The reason is that most people only focus on their desks and closets. Now, your bedroom is the part of your house where you want to feel calm, collected, and serene.

Clutter can work against all this and even affect your sleep. 

Here are a few things that you might overlook but you should focus on when decluttering your bedroom. 

The Side Table

The first thing that you should declutter in your bedroom is your side table. You might want to use your side table to keep a glass of water and a flashlight for emergencies at night. Even if you have a book placed on it, we recommend keeping it inside the drawer. 

The idea here is to keep the side table clutter-free so that you have a serene bedroom where you can truly relax.

Put Away Your Book

A lot of people love to read before they go to sleep. If you are one of them and you also love to read, we recommend only keeping the book that you are currently reading next to your bed. Ideally, you don’t want to have a whole bunch of books stacked up around you. 

Believe us when we tell you that having all these books around you – despite the fact that you love to read – can add a little bit of stress as you might feel like you have to rush through the book that you are currently reading so that you can move on to the next one.

So, if you have loads of books, we recommend putting them away in your closet and only keeping the one book that you are currently reading near your bed. 

Get Rid of Extra Furniture

When it comes to improving your bedroom, you should find ways to simplify the room and add things that can make it feel crowded. So, carefully examine your bedroom and assess the furniture that you have simply for the sake of it – but – you don’t really use or need it.

Look out for the extra dressers, the char, the little side tables, and other furniture that you aren’t really using. If the furniture is old and you have only been hoarding it – it might be a good idea to get a skip bin, such as a skip bin rental for Southern Adelaide, if you reside in Southern Adelaide, instead of storing your old furniture in the garage or your driveway. 

Install the Right Curtains

The curtains that you use for your bedroom can make or break the room. So, you will want to ensure that you have the right curtains for your bedroom. You should pay attention to the size of the curtains that you have in your bedroom. Make sure they are of the right size, as the curtains might either be too small or too big, which might make your bedroom feel cluttered. 

Make sure to opt for curtains that do not only fit but that are also hung properly. Blinds make a great alternative to curtains, so you might consider installing blinds as well.

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