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Expert Installation vs. DIY: Which is Best for Laminate Flooring?

 Laminate flooring has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering homeowners an affordable and durable alternative to hardwood floors. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global laminate flooring market size was valued at USD 37.1 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3% from 2022 to 2030. With this surge in popularity, many homeowners are faced with a crucial decision: should they opt for professional installation or tackle the project themselves? This article will explore the pros and cons of both options, helping you make an informed decision for your home improvement project.

Understanding Laminate Flooring:

Before you tackle the installation yourself, learn what makes laminate flooring a favourite among homeowners. Available in planks or tiles, laminate features a unique snap-together design, creating a floating floor that requires no nails or glue. Visit your nearest laminate flooring store to explore a wide variety of options. Laminate flooring typically comes in planks or tiles and is designed to snap together, creating a floating floor that doesn't need to be nailed or glued to the subfloor. This design feature is one of the reasons why laminate flooring has become a popular choice for DIY enthusiasts. 

Expert Installation


  1. Experience and Expertise: Professional installers have the knowledge and experience to handle various subfloor conditions and unexpected challenges. According to the National Association of Home Builders, the average flooring contractor has over 10 years of experience in the field.
  2. Time-Saving: A professional team can typically install laminate flooring in a standard-sized room (about 200 square feet) in one day, whereas a DIY project might take several days or even a weekend.
  3. Warranty Protection: Many manufacturers' warranties are only valid if a certified professional installs the flooring. This can provide peace of mind and potential cost savings in the long run.
  4. Quality Assurance: Professionals have the tools and expertise to ensure a high-quality finish, including proper underlayment installation and precise cutting around obstacles.
  5. Liability Coverage: Licensed and insured contractors provide protection against accidents or damage during the installation process.


  1. Higher Upfront Costs: Professional installation typically costs between $3 to $8 per square foot, depending on the complexity of the job and your location. This is in addition to the cost of the flooring materials.
  2. Scheduling Constraints: You'll need to work around the contractor's schedule, which may not always align with your preferred timeline.
  3. Less Personal Involvement: If you enjoy hands-on home improvement projects, you might feel less connected to the process when professionals handle the installation.

DIY Installation


  1. Cost Savings: DIY installation can save you a significant amount on labour costs. According to HomeAdvisor, the average cost of professional laminate flooring installation is about $2,800 for a 200 square foot room, while DIY costs are typically limited to materials and tools.
  2. Flexibility: You can work on the project at your own pace and on your own schedule, which can be particularly beneficial if you're only able to work on it during evenings or weekends.
  3. Personal Satisfaction: Completing a DIY project can provide a sense of accomplishment and allow you to take pride in your home improvement skills.
  4. Learning Experience: Installing your own flooring can teach you valuable skills that may be useful for future home projects.
  5. Control Over the Process: DIY installation allows you to personally inspect and approve each step of the process, ensuring it meets your standards.


  1. Time-Consuming: Without professional experience, DIY installation can take significantly longer. A survey by the National Wood Flooring Association found that DIY installers took an average of 3 times longer to complete a flooring project compared to professionals.
  2. Potential for Mistakes: Inexperience can lead to errors such as improper subfloor preparation, incorrect cutting, or leaving insufficient expansion gaps, which can result in problems down the line.
  3. Tool Investment: You may need to purchase or rent specialized tools, which can add to the overall cost of the project.
  4. Physical Demands: Laminate flooring installation can be physically taxing, requiring long periods of kneeling, bending, and lifting.
  5. Warranty Concerns: As mentioned earlier, some manufacturers' warranties may be voided if the flooring is not professionally installed.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Expert and DIY Installation

  1. Room Complexity: The layout and features of your room play a crucial role in determining whether professional or DIY installation is more suitable. Simple, rectangular rooms with few obstacles are generally more manageable for DIY enthusiasts. However, rooms with irregular shapes, multiple doorways, or features like fireplaces or built-in cabinets can present significant challenges.

A considerable portion of homeowners who attempted DIY flooring installation reported that room complexity was their biggest challenge. Professionals, on the other hand, have experience dealing with these intricacies and can often complete complex installations more efficiently and with better results.

  1. Subfloor Condition: The state of your subfloor is a critical factor that many DIYers overlook. A majority of flooring professionals reported subfloor issues as the most common problem in laminate flooring installations.

Professional installers can quickly assess subfloor conditions and address issues like unevenness, moisture problems, or structural weaknesses. DIYers may struggle to identify these problems, potentially leading to a compromised installation that could void warranties or require costly repairs down the line.

  1. Time Constraints: Your project timeline can significantly influence your decision. If you're preparing your home for a special event or trying to sell your property, professional installation might be the better choice. New flooring is one of the top features that can help sell a home faster, with some realtors claiming it helped close a sale.

On the other hand, if you have flexible timing and are willing to work on the project over several weekends, DIY installation could be a viable option. It's worth noting that a significant number of DIYers underestimated the time required for their flooring project.

  1. Budget Considerations: While DIY installation can save on labour costs, it's important to factor in all potential expenses. A substantial portion of DIYers ended up spending more than they initially budgeted for their flooring projects.

Hidden costs can include:

  • Tool rental or purchase
  • Additional materials (underlayment, trim, transition strips)
  • Potential mistakes requiring extra materials
  • Time off work if the project takes longer than expected

Professional installation, while more expensive upfront, often comes with a clearer, all-inclusive price tag.

  1. Long-Term Value: Consider the long-term impact of your installation choice. Professionally installed flooring can recoup a higher percentage of its cost in terms of home value, compared to DIY installations.

Additionally, professional installation often comes with warranties on both materials and labour. This can provide significant peace of mind and potential cost savings if issues arise in the future.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the decision between expert installation and DIY for laminate flooring depends on various factors including your skill level, budget, time constraints, and the complexity of your project. While DIY can offer cost savings and personal satisfaction, professional installation ensures expertise, efficiency, and often comes with valuable warranties. Carefully consider these factors to make the best choice for your specific situation.

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