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Client Success Stories: Before and After Fat Removal Treatments

Elegant Hoopoe has achieved bigger milestones for its customers. We have transformed thousands of body shapes, removing fats, tightening skin, and whatnot through our in-house fat removal services. 

We have been helping people feel confident and comfortable in their skin. And with this mission at hand, we have come a long way. From providing painless, non-surgical solutions to helping you achieve your body goals, we stay by your side. Our non-invasive fat removal treatment enables us to transform bodies and boost people’s confidence through our services.

Let’s explore some client success stories

TruSculpt Treatment

Do you know what we mostly hear?

"I had tried everything—diets, exercise, and even other fat reduction treatments—but nothing seemed to work on my stubborn areas.”

These things are good, we agree. But, some of your body areas may require more detailed treatments than just diet and exercise. Not every body type’s issues can be dealt with the same solutions. And if they work, they take time to show the effective results. 

Our TruSculpt treatment is based on radio frequency RF energy to reduce belly fat non-invasively. Using this technique, we remove dead fat cells and destroy them up to 40% in one targeted area. And these are the figures we achieved in only one session. The method is suitable for anyone who has fat on the thighs, abdomen, and arms. 

Customer Success Story

So there’s this client - Olga Soldatova - who was from Russia. She reached out to us for different procedures and treatment options. We started with her fat removal treatment. 

The client came to us with specific body goals but was hesitant about trying a new treatment. She wanted to reduce fat without having to face any pain or a longer postpartum recovery period. She kinda had disappointing experiences with other methods.

Olga was concerned about her body areas where stubborn fat was stored and the body was getting unshaped. She seemed to have tried multiple methods before like a strict diet, heavy workouts, and whatnot. But the problem was she would regain any lost weight if she was irregular in her diet and exercise.

Now that’s a very common problem for women who are struggling in their weight loss journey. People get frustrated, self-conscious, and concerned about their looks during their weight loss journey. Specifically for the targeted area that just wouldn’t budge.

 We guided her thoroughly on TruSculpt and how this all works and initiated her procedure. 

After undergoing a TruSculpt treatment at Elegant Hoopoe, our client saw a remarkable difference. TruSculpt destroyed up to 24% of the fat cells in the targeted area in just one session, and the results were visible within weeks. 

The client reported feeling more confident than ever, enjoying a smoother, more contoured body without any pain during the process.

Her words her still marked in our testimonials:

"TruSculpt at Elegant Hoopoe helped me shed stubborn fat and boosted my confidence! The results are amazing. Highly recommend!"

So to achieve the client’s body goals, we went all out using the TruSculpt method. We delivered the fat reduction service just as they needed, without any discomfort or pain. And Olga was thrilled with the noticeable changes and results. She finally found a solution that worked out for her.


As Olga was frustrated with stubborn fat around her midsection that persisted despite a dedicated fitness routine. She felt stuck and unable to achieve the smooth, sculpted look she wanted.

Following a TruSculpt session at Elegant Hoopoe, the client saw their fat melt away. And she got a more contoured and smooth appearance. The transformation was dramatic. And Olga was overjoyed with the results, which were achieved without pain.

She further said in her testimonial:
"TruSculpt at Elegant Hoopoe melted away my stubborn fat with zero pain! I'm thrilled with the smooth, sculpted results."

TruFlex Toning  

So there are people who want a toned body but don’t want to do heavy workouts or efforts. If you’re one of them, read on to know what to do. With our TruFlex toning treatment, we transform your body shape and contouring, effortlessly. This way, you don’t have to spend a fortune on time, money, and energy. 

This treatment method is ideal for anyone who is looking to increase their muscle mass and tone. And specifically, those who don’t want the strain of traditional exercise. 

Customer Success Story

One of our recent clients, Olga wanted a toned body as well but didn’t have time for gym or workout. So here is her story:

Our client was looking for treatment options for a toned physique. She wanted something that could be painless but effective. But found traditional workouts challenging and painful. She wanted a quick and easy way to build muscle and achieve her fitness goals.

With TruFlex at Elegant Hoopoe, the client experienced a pain-free journey to a more toned body. After just a few sessions, they noticed a significant difference in muscle tone, achieving the results they wanted without discomfort.

As a feedback on our services, she said:
"TruFlex at Elegant Hoopoe made my fitness journey pain-free and effective. Thrilled with my toned body!"

Well, it’s just not about taking our word. Now you know our customers’ stories. Coming from different experiences and aspects of life, they transformed their body shapes, achieved their fitness goals, and most importantly improved their living. 

So whenever this question…

Why Choose Elegant Hoopoe?

hits your mind, remember our fat removal services include:

  • TruSculpt: Destroy up to 24% of fat cells in targeted areas.
  • Venus Bliss: Achieve non-invasive lipolysis, cellulite reduction, circumferential reduction, and skin tightening.
  • Infraslimx: Benefit from fat burning, cellulite removal, muscle building, detoxification, and lymphatic system optimization.
  • Icoone: Enjoy flawless, youthful skin with visible results after the first session.

Elegant Hoopoe believes in reasonable and result-driven treatment plans. We claim and offer what we can practically fulfill. The results of our treatment are long-lasting without needing any prolonged recovery time. We keep every detail transparent so you can openly trust us.

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