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Cleaning Large Amounts of Junk from Your Premises: A How-to Guide



Whether you are moving or just doing a Spring cleaning, clearing up your property and being prepared to dispose of the junk is a big task. If it is your first time dealing with this amount of trash, use this how-to guide as a jumping-off point for getting the job done. 

Assess the Scope of the Junk

The junk removal process begins with a walkthrough of your home and property to assess the amount of stuff you actually want to get rid of. For example, if you have just purchased a property where the previous owners left everything behind and you want to get rid of it all, you should try to determine exactly how much junk there is and how much help you are going to need to get rid of it. Try to assess the volume of junk that there will be in the end once you pull it out. From there, you can research junk removal companies to see which one will best suit your situation.

Find the Right Junk Removal Service 

Sydney junk removal is an integral part of society and so there are many different types of junk removal services to choose from. Some companies will deliver a dumpster to your driveway where you can dump all of your junk in yourself and call them when the dumpster is full. Other companies offer full cleanout services where a crew will come in and clean out your premises for you. This is a good idea for properties that were previously owned by hoarders and have mountains of junk that have to be cleaned out. 

Additionally, some junk removal services offer eco-friendly options so that everything on your premises does not just end up in a landfill. If you need help in several different areas of junk removal, there is likely a local option out there for you.

Set Goals

Because junk removal is not a one-day task, you will need to set a schedule for yourself and also create daily goals to keep you on track. This can look like tackling one room per day or having a solid deadline for when everything needs to be out. You can also enlist family members to help you get the job done more quickly. If you break the jobs down into manageable tasks, the overall ordeal will feel less overwhelming.

Gather Supplies

To get the junk removal process started, you will need some supplies to help you get organized. The most important supplies are big trash bags. You will go through a lot of these over the coming days, so make sure to purchase a big box of the biggest size you can find. You should also buy and wear protective gear like gloves, face masks, eye protection goggles, and hazmat suits depending on how unsanitary the areas you are cleaning out will be. 

Some boxes and bins are also a good idea as they can hold items you want to keep or sell. Having a box cutter and other small tools on hand will aid in the breaking down of junk that is going to be thrown away. This will help you make more space in disposal receptacles. When you are finished clearing everything out, some cleaning supplies like a mop and disinfectants will be helpful in getting your premises back to a clean state. 

Sort Through Everything

Before you even contact a junk removal service, take a few days to sort all of your items into different piles. The best way to do this is to make five categories: keep, donate, sell, recycle, and trash. Because you are trying to get rid of things, the keep pile will likely be the smallest one and the donate pile should be brought to the donation center before the junk removal begins. The sell pile can be laid out in your front yard and you can do a yard sale to try to get rid of as much as possible. After that, whatever is left should be put in the donate, recycle, or trash pile. 

By having everything organized before the junk removal service arrives, you will save time and likely have to pay less if the job is done quickly. Depending on the junk removal service, you can get rid of everything in one day and begin to start living your junk-free life. 

Dealing with a lot of junk can be an overwhelming experience but with this guide and help from junk removal experts, you can get your premises looking clean, organized, and tidy.

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