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What to do During an Electrical Emergency: Expert Tips from Professional Electricians

 Electrical emergencies can strike at any time, causing panic and potentially dangerous situations. Knowing how to handle an electrical emergency is crucial for your safety and those of others around you. In this post, we will share expert tips from professional electricians on what to do during an electrical emergency. By following these guidelines, you can confidently navigate these situations and take the appropriate actions to minimize risks.

What to do During an Electrical Emergency: Expert Tips from Professional Electricians

What to do During an Electrical Emergency: Expert Tips from Professional Electricians

1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation:

The first step when faced with an electrical emergency is to remain calm. Panicking can cloud your judgment and lead to potentially dangerous actions. For instance, if your house is in Auckland, take a moment to assess the situation and identify any immediate hazards before contacting an experienced electrician in Auckland.

2. Ensure Personal Safety:

Your safety should be your top priority during an electrical emergency. If someone comes into contact with a live wire, NEVER touch them directly, as they may still be conducting electricity. Instead, turn off the power supply or unplug any appliances connected to that circuit if it can be done safely.

3. Call Emergency Services:

Call emergency services immediately if the situation is serious – such as a fire or someone experiencing electric shock. They are equipped to handle these types of emergencies professionally and will guide you over the phone until help arrives.

4. Cut Off Power Supply:

In imminent danger, cutting off the power supply as quickly as possible is crucial. Locate your main switchboard or circuit breaker box and turn off all circuits by flipping their respective switches. This step helps prevent further damage or injury while you wait for professional assistance.

5. Avoid Water Contact:

Water conducts electricity, making it a significant hazard during an electrical emergency. If water is near the source of the problem—whether from leaks, flooding, or any other cause—avoid contact with it until professionals have deemed it safe.

6. Identify Signs of Smoke or Burning Smells:

Smelling smoke or detecting burning odours in your home indicates a potential electrical emergency. If this occurs, immediately shut off the power supply and evacuate the premises.

7. Never Use Water to Extinguish an Electrical Fire:

Fires caused by electrical faults should NEVER be extinguished using water, as it can worsen the situation or even lead to electrocution. Instead, use a class C fire extinguisher specifically designed for electrical fires or sprinkle baking soda on smaller fires to smother them.

8. Prioritize Evacuation:

If an electrical emergency escalates, your safety lies in evacuation. Ensure everyone in your home knows escape routes and designated meeting points outside the building. Regularly conduct drills to familiarise family members with evacuation procedures.

9. Know When to Seek Professional Help:

While you may feel confident handling minor electrical issues not related to electricity outage, it's important to recognise when a situation requires professional assistance. Experienced electricians have the skills and knowledge necessary to tackle complex problems safely. Trying to fix advanced issues without proper training may exacerbate the situation or put you at risk.

10. Have Emergency Contact Information Handy:

Having easy access to emergency contact information is crucial during an electrical emergency. Keep a list of significant numbers, including the local fire department, emergency electricians, and trusted neighbours who can assist in case of an emergency. It's also helpful to have your home address clearly written near your phone for quick reference.

11. Regular Maintenance and Inspections:

One of the best ways to prevent electrical emergencies is through regular maintenance and inspections. Schedule routine check-ups with a professional electrician to ensure that your electrical system is in good condition and up to code. These inspections can identify potential issues before they become urgent, providing peace of mind and reducing risks.


Being prepared and knowing how to handle an electrical emergency is essential for maintaining personal safety and preventing further damage during these unpredictable events. By staying calm, assessing the situation, prioritising personal safety, cutting off the power supply if necessary, avoiding contact with water or hazards, promptly identifying signs of smoke or burning smells, knowing how to respond to an electrical fire, prioritising evacuation if needed, and seeking professional help when required – you can navigate through these emergencies effectively. Remember: no one expects emergencies to happen, but being prepared can save lives.

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