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The No-Sweat Approach To Staying Comfortable During The Heatwave

 A lot of us are experiencing a sudden rise in the temperature as of late, and needless to say, it’s making things uncomfortable. When those days are long, hot, and humid, getting a little relief from feeling sticky and sluggish is a big deal. As such, here, we’re going to take a look at what you can do to make life at least a little more comfortable.

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Get The Air Circulating

One of the major causes of discomfort in the summer isn’t just how hot the air is, but how stagnant it can feel when it’s stuck in place. If you can get the air moving, improving the air quality in the home in general, it can make things feel a lot less stifling. Ceiling fans can improve air circulation greatly, and by setting them to rotate counterclockwise, they can create a cooling breeze. You can also position portable fans strategically around the house to improve airflow. Leaving the windows open in the evening, when it’s cooler outdoors than inside, is a great idea, too.

Use Cross Ventilation

Cross ventilation is highly effective in keeping a home cool by leveraging natural airflow to reduce indoor temperatures. By strategically opening windows and doors on opposite sides of the house, a breeze is created that carries warm air out and draws cooler air in. This method is energy-efficient, cost-effective, and reduces the reliance on air conditioning. Cross ventilation also helps in lowering humidity levels, enhancing indoor air quality, and promoting a fresher living environment. Especially during cooler evenings and nights, it can significantly lower indoor temperatures, providing a comfortable and eco-friendly cooling solution.

Optimize Your Air Conditioning

Of course, there’s only so much you can do to improve airflow and keep things cool without the use of your air conditioner. When you have to rely on it, you want to make sure that it is as effective and efficient as possible, and getting routine maintenance and service from teams like Affordable Heating and Cooling can help you do that. You should install a programmable thermostat, as well, to set higher temperatures when you're not home and lower temperatures when you are. This way, you can make sure that your bills aren’t skyrocketing while you’re trying to cool the house.

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Invest In The Right Window Treatments

It might seem like something of a shame to shut out all that beautiful natural light, but when the sun is at its strongest, it can really make a big difference. Ensure that you blinds or curtains on your windows, and close them during the sunniest parts of the day to block out the sun and help the home stay cooler. You can also invest in extra effective window treatments like blackout blinds or reflective films so that you’re able to reduce heat gain through the windows in general. Another way to get sunlight into your home is to consider beautiful, frameless sliding glass patio doors. Customized to your space, these doors make your home unique.

Spend Some Time Outdoors

Being out in the heat when the sun is high in the sky is not going to help you cool down. However, as mentioned, as the sun sets, the home tends to retain the heat that gets in during the day, which can make it warmer indoors than outside. Harmonizing your indoor and outdoor spaces, with a patio sitting area to relax in, as well as big patio doors that can open up your home to the cool evening air, can help you cool off outside while letting the temperature inside the home normalize as well.

Reduce Your Indoor Heat Use

Be mindful of any interior sources of heating and avoid using them as best as possible. Of course, you’re not likely to have the heating on when it’s already so hot outside, but you might still be using your oven to cook your meals. This can result in a major temperature increase in the home, so you might want to opt for grilling outside or using a microwave. Non-LED bulbs also tend to produce heat. It might not be a lot, but it can be enough to reduce the effectiveness of your cooling efforts, so replace them when you can.

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Reduce The Humidity In The Home

Keeping the airflow moving can help you decrease the humidity of the home, but if that isn’t enough, then you need to look at ways you can actively reduce the moisture in the air. Use dehumidifiers to reduce humidity levels, making the air feel cooler and more comfortable. There are options like those from Honeywell Home which are designed to decrease the humidity levels in not just one room, but the whole home, which can help the overall property feel a lot more comfortable.

Insulate The Home

The temperature of the home is going to increase during the day even if you’re blocking out the sunlight and keeping your windows home. Heat gain makes its way through the walls, window seams, and doors. Taking the time to insulate the home can greatly reduce this heat gain. You can add insulation to your attic and walls to keep cool air in and hot air out. You should also consider sealing the gaps around windows and doors to prevent warm air from entering and cool air from escaping with things like weatherstripping. It can make a significant difference.

Always Have Water At The Ready

Staying hydrated during the summer is crucial for maintaining health and well-being. High temperatures increase the risk of dehydration, which can lead to symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, and heatstroke. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, aiming for at least 8-10 glasses. Include hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and cucumbers, in your diet. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you. Carry a water bottle when outdoors, and set reminders to drink regularly. Staying hydrated helps regulate body temperature, supports bodily functions, and keeps you feeling energized and alert.

Some of the tips above might sound like no-brainers, but the important thing is that you’re taking the time to implement each of them. The combination of efforts is what makes the biggest difference of all.

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