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Spring Cleaning Tips Decluttering Your Home Efficiently

September 1st is rapidly approaching, and for many people, this is a pivotal day. Not only does it signify the start of the weather warming up after winter, but it also represents an important event - their annual spring clean!

Spring cleaning is an excellent way to revitalise your property by changing its look and feel, improving its air quality, and making it more liveable.

However, if you are snowed under at work, have parental responsibilities you need to prioritise or have university study to focus on, you might find yourself struggling to do both.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are five tips for decluttering your home and giving it a darn good tidy at the same time.

1. Declutter  

Spring cleaning can be both figurative and literal. So, it doesn’t just require washing carpets and wiping down dirty surfaces. It can, and should, also involve getting rid of your possessions that you no longer use or need.

Before you do the physical act of cleaning, you should take the time to declutter. To do this, you will have to be clinical and divorce yourself from sentiment.

This means removing that old lampshade you never use, even if you got it from your favourite aunt. It might also involve getting rid of many items of your clothing or shoes or parting company with that set of golf clubs that haven’t seen the light of day for decades.

Adopting a less is more approach to your furniture and possessions will not only result in less spring cleaning but also ensure you have more space to live in.

Whatever you decide to get rid of, use a company like 1300 Rubbish removalists to dispose of it in an environmentally and socially responsible fashion.  

2. Let the dust settle

Once you have decluttered everything you no longer need or want, it is a good idea to let the dust settle by thoroughly airing out your house.

Doing this is an excellent way to improve its air quality because you can clear out stale smells and get rid of germs, bacteria and other harmful particles that can trigger flu, colds or allergies that can make you ill.

Ideally, you should air the entire house out at the same time for at least a couple of hours. But if Jack Frost is still hanging around, you should try to do it room-by-room.

3. Clean Strategically

After thoroughly airing the house out you can start the process of the physical spring clean.

The best way to do this is one room at a time because that way, you can ensure that you actually complete it and not leave it half-finished.

During a spring clean, everything needs to be cleaned. So, it is worth taking all of the furniture out of the room, if possible, before beginning the process of dusting and polishing surfaces and fixtures and fittings, hoovering and steam washing carpets, and wiping down floors and ceilings.

If you can take the furniture outside to dust down, then all the better.

When it comes to selecting which room to clean first, the choice is up to you. One school of thought is to start with the smallest rooms first to get them completed, while another is to do the opposite to get the bigger ones out of the way first.

You could even start at the front door and work your way through the house using the floor plan - whatever works for you.

Here are some tips for managing home cleaning if you are a working mum.

4. Use Premium Cleaning Products  

When spring cleaning, you should try to use premium cleaning products. While they might cost a bit more, they do a much better job than those priced much cheaper, which in turn will save you a lot of time and effort.

The best cleaning products to choose from are water-based products listed as industrial or commercial grade. In an ideal world, they would also be environmentally friendly, have no allergens, and be odour-free.

For those who do not want to spend money on cleaning products due to high prices or the potential presence of toxins, you can also try to make homemade, natural solutions instead.

5. Hire Professionals  

Spring cleaning can be backbreaking and labour-intensive work, which can present real challenges if you are time-poor.

For this reason, you should hire a professional cleaning company to do the work for you.

It will be something you will need to fund, but it could save you hours of time, frustration and effort.

There are several businesses in your local area that can give your residence a thorough, deep clean using professional equipment, leaving it looking brand-new.

A simple web search should reveal some of the leading players in your suburb. Don’t be afraid to search on LinkedIn or ask the local real estate agent for a referral.

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