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Building a Deck Around an In-Ground Pool - Top 5 Tips Revealed

Most homeowners prefer their backyards to be a palace where they can hang out frequently. They want this place to host their family and friends and enjoy their time outdoors that are more accessible from home.  Now, for some, it can mean building decorative water elements while for others, it can be curated gardens and even fire pits.

But for those who want to make their outdoor space a top-notch spot for entertainment and fun, a deck and an in-ground swimming pool are the best options. However, those who don’t have an in-ground pool can opt for an above-ground pool and an accompanying deck as a budget-friendly choice.

Building a Deck Around an In-Ground Pool?

Based on what you’re envisioning for your outdoor and space availability, the difficulty level of building a deck around an inground pool varies. The most important factors involved here are the types of materials you can go for based on whether you are hiring a swimming pool contractor or going down the DIY route, along with any additional features or fixtures you might need to include.

Tips on How to Build a Deck Around Your In-Ground Pool

1.     Planning the Fun Areas

You need to start by determining an appropriate theme that you need to have for your custom deck pool. Whether you’re looking to host BBQ pool parties in the summer or just want to balance a relaxed floating time and enjoy the deck as your outdoor spa, you can make this space highly versatile.

Now, functionality is critical but it needs to blend perfectly well with fun as well. You might want your pool to be a cool place where you can beat the summer heat. But of course, you can have a small corner for a hot tub for the wintry nights. It all depends upon what you want to achieve from this space creatively.

2.     Measuring the Ideal Space

You need to make sure that your deck and pool measurements are spot on to avoid any inconveniences later on. You can make room for any unique designs and cuts as well along with other features. Its goal here is to carve out as much area for lounging on the deck without compromising the pool area. To do this effectively, you must keep the spacing possibilities in check while considering various factors to connect your deck and pool

3.     Making the Connection

As simple as it might seem, you need to plan how you get in and out of your pool using your deck. It's a significant function and style decision for your pool deck project. For simplicity, you can always add railings, stairs, or any other conventional fixtures that can lead you to the pool from the deck as naturally as possible.

But if you’re looking to add some features to make this space more adventurous, you can always add slides from your deck to the pool. You can even take your traditional stairs and embellish them with something modern or even add a little cocktail lounge. Just be sure to build up everything according to your local building code.

4.     Choose the Right Deck Material

Next up is picking the right material for your deck. Whether you’re looking to choose wood or composite, it’s best to pick the right materials that complement the look of the tiling and stonework of your pool. You must also consider the landscaping around your yard. Just make sure that you go for the right materials that fit your budget.

5.     Time to Seal, Stain & Maintain

Once everything is space you need to make sure that you properly waterproof everything and this comes from the composite decking for resisting water and limiting any damage in the future. You can also go for natural woodland you can seal or stain along with some other specialty products to achieve the right colors that can handle the splash well. Apart from that you need to consider the maintenance cost as well. From repainting, resealing, and upgrading, everything comes in maintenance and you need to order these factors as well.


You need to build your pool deck staycation-worthy. It’s not that tough to realize what you have envisioned for your swim-and-sun masterpiece. You just need to plan and have a clear picture of what you need and how you can utilize the space available.

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