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7 Different Ways to Engage Your Dog

 Having a dog is an enjoyable experience. These pets have long been domesticated to live among us and provide love, support and companionship, all at the same time. While living in our homes, dogs live independently, using their cognitive processes to interact with you and their surroundings. However, they thrive when their attention is on you and others.


Are you looking for a deeper connection with your dog? Training dogs can be difficult, but it is gratifying and helps you gain a special understanding of these amazing animals. To help you get there, here are seven ways to engage your dog.


Have a Play Date


Petting your dog as you go by or taking them out for a bathroom walk is the usual interaction. However, schedule a dedicated time together to get more focus and attention out of them. This is a pet play date when you leave all distractions behind to engage directly with them.


You can roll around on the floor and play with their favorite toys, talk to them, and be very hands-on. They love this type of interaction and will participate 100%.


Taking the date to the park or hiking is also an option. Remember, your focus is on them, so leave your phone in the car and be together for an hour or so.


Do Some Obedience Training


Dogs love mental stimulation, so short obedience training bursts keep them engaged. Work on short, simple commands that they can comprehend and remember, and praise them for it with praise, petting and treats.


They quickly understand the rewards system and want to show you all their tricks. Spend 5-10 minutes every day reviewing previous commands and introducing new ones so they can recall behavior when needed.


Introduce Different Dog Food


Rotational feeding is an excellent strategy for your dog's overall health and is ideal for engaging their senses. Dogs love different tastes and quickly form preferences that appeal to their taste buds.


Go to your local pet store and ask about the best products, including famous brands like Orijen dog food. They can give you valuable insight into what your breed prefers and how to change their diet successfully with a rotation strategy. You can mix dry and wet food, human foods beneficial to your pet, and raw food. Variety will keep your dog guessing and excited about mealtime.


Get Some Challenging Toys


Dogs love to play and will chase anything you introduce them to. To challenge them and improve engagement, find some more challenging toys for them to use.


These can be puzzles where they have to use patience and strategy, thinking instead of reacting. Food dispensing toys work well for this because they earn a tasty reward. Sniffle mats are also fun for them because they have different textures and materials where you can hide treats for them to discover.


Automated toys will keep their brains active by engaging all five senses. Rotate their toys so they don't get bored of the same ones, and teach them their names. This practice can be a fun game where you ask them to get specific toys to bring you.


Provide Outdoor Viewing Access


Set up an area beside a window where your dog can comfortably look out. They love to see what's happening and will watch for hours if you let them.


Crack open the window so they can hear and smell the sounds. You can keep them company here; they will bark to alert you to what they see happening outside.


Watch TV with Them


Dogs don't like silence, so bring them up on the couch when you watch your favorite TV shows and movies. You'll be surprised to see them "watching" and even reacting to things that happen. This keeps them alert and present, knowing they are safe beside you and not barking for your attention.


Put Together a Treasure Hunt


This will engage your dog. A treasure hunt is when you hide your dog's favorite toys and treats around the house for them to find. You lead them around, room to room, as they hunt using their senses, rewarding them with praise and petting for each successful find. There are many places to hide items, like under a rug, in their bed, in a pile of clothing, or even in your pocket. Do this regularly.


These are seven ways to engage your dog. Commit to spending time with your pooch so they know they are wanted. In return, you will get a life-long companion who is always beside you, whether you ride or die.

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