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5 Methods of Waste Disposal


Source: Unsplash

Societies and industries are producing tons of waste every day. This waste can cause different types of pollution if not disposed of properly. This can result in several health issues. However, there are several ways for waste disposal nowadays. These methods not only make waste harmless but use them for productive purposes. Following are some of these waste disposal methods: 

  1. Recycling 

Recycling involves both the direct reuse of the materials or using the parts of the product, such as the cars and melting down the materials to make the products again. Through melting, raw materials are formed that can be used to make different products. Mostly, clothes, iron, plastic, and glass are recycled to make new products again. 

Recycling is considered one of the best ways of disposing of waste. It produces harmful gases, but these are produced in small quantities. 

  1. Incineration 

The materials which are not recyclable are treated through incineration. However, these materials must be combustible. In this method, the materials are burned, and their heat is used for multiple purposes. The most common use of their heat is to produce electricity. However, their heat is also used for heating the buildings. 

There are many industries that are using high calorific plants like cement plants for combustion purposes to produce different useful gases. 

  1. Chemical Physical and Biological Treatment

This method is used to clean the water and other wastes for releasing the water into the water bodies and for landfilling purposes. These chemical physical and biological treatments treat the chemicals and pollutants from the garbage to make them harmless products. There are a number of ways to treat the waste, such as the following:

  • Filtration 

  • Precipitation 

  • Decomposition by microorganisms 

Many other techniques are used to treat the water and other types of waste. In this way, you can prevent water pollution and land pollution to a great extent. 

  1. Landfilling 

Garbage, residues from recycling, incineration, and chemical treatments are subjected to landfilling. Large trucks and bins are used for this purpose. Different societies and companies have installed large bins to store garbage. 

Moreover, during construction, you will need bins to store waste. You can find top hook bins for sale - Astech Group. These can be attached to garbage trucks. They will dispose of the construction or house garbage through landfilling. 

  1. Composting and Vermicomposting 

Everything decomposes with time. However, organic matter decomposes faster than anything else. So, you can compost organic waste from your home or industry. In this method, the waste material is buried under the soil and is left for bacteria and fungi to decompose. 

Nowadays, different worms are used to increase the speed of composting. They will degrade the compost and excrete the nutrients in the soil. These nutrients are not only beneficial for bacteria and fungi but also for soil fertility. 


They will not only sort this waste but also produce nutrient-rich manure for the soil. In this way, you can increase the fertility of the soil without using chemical fertilizers.  


There are several other ways to dispose of the waste. Day by day, scientists are discovering new ways to treat waste in a better way.

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