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What Are The Different Types of Veneers?

 Transform your smile, and you can transform your life. If you don’t believe us, then why do many celebrities get their teeth fixed? Having a beautiful smile not only makes you better looking in the eyes of others, but it can help build your confidence and make you more outgoing. So, does having perfect teeth directly impact your standard of living? We’d argue yes. 


Thanks to the invention of veneers, having a whiter, more aesthetically pleasing smile is easier to achieve than you’d think. But did you know that there are many different veneer options to choose from? In this article, we’re going to show you all the different treatment options for veneers

Why do people get veneers?

Getting veneers is a procedure that is more popular than most people would expect, which shows you just how much people value what their smile looks like. So, if you’re thinking about getting veneers to improve the look of your teeth, just know that you’re not alone. Here are a few reasons why people decide to get veneers: 

  • To alter the colour, shape, length and size of teeth
  • To fix teeth that are chipped, cracked, or broken
  • To fix streaks on teeth
  • To conceal discolouration and stains

How do veneers work?

Putting on veneers is quite a quick and simple procedure when your cosmetic dentist knows what they’re doing. Veneers are very thin shell coverings that are placed over your front teeth. Here is how the procedure generally goes: 

  1. First, your cosmetic dentist will examine your teeth for damage or decay that would need to be treated beforehand
  2. Dentists will remove a thin layer of enamel off your teeth that are getting veneers put on
  3. Next, an impression of your teeth will be taken, which will be sent to the dental laboratory to create a mould for your veneers. A temporary veneer will be placed over your teeth until your permanent veneers are ready
  4. Lastly, once your veneers are ready, your dentist will cement them into place over your teeth. Here is where they’ll make any minor adjustments to ensure that the fit is comfortable and looks amazing

What are the different types of dental veneers? 

There are five main types of veneers that people will opt for, with porcelain and composite veneers being the most popular. Most types of veneers are permanent, although you have the option of removable veneers (which are typically used during the procedure before your permanent set is ready). Here are the different types of veneers:  

1. Porcelain veneers

The most popular (and most expensive) type of dental veneers are porcelain veneers. This is generally because they are the most natural-looking and last the longest. Porcelain veneers can last for 10 - 15 years. They’re super durable and versatile and can be customised to give you amazing results. 

2. Composite veneers

Composite veneers are another popular type of veneer and are typically the alternative to porcelain veneers. They are made using composite resin (a mixture of organic and inorganic materials). Composite veneers give amazing results. However, their look doesn’t look as natural are porcelain veneers, and while they are durable, they don’t last as long as porcelain either – they typically have a lifespan of 5 - 10 years. 


One benefit of composite veneers over porcelain veneers is that they are more conservative. Should your composite veneers chip, it can easily be repaired, but porcelain veneers will have to be completely replaced.  

3. Lumineers

For those who love the natural look of porcelain veneers but want something that is reversible, Lumineers. They’re ultra-thin (0.2mm) translucent veneers that don’t require a tooth reduction or recontour in order to place them. However, as convenient as they are, they are more prone to chipping and won’t last as long as traditional veneers. 

4. Palatal veneers 

Palatal veneers are a special type of onlay dentists use to restore the front teeth that have been damaged. These veneers are great for restoring only a section of the tooth that has been damaged and not the entire tooth. 

5. Removable Veneers

For a less invasive option for perfect pearly whites, removable veneers are a great alternative to traditional veneers. Removable veneers don’t require dentists to remove any of the enamel, so they’re completely reversible – unless you’re using them temporarily before getting your permanent veneers. 


While they are removable and super convenient, they don’t look as natural as the permanent veneers and are prone to plaque buildup. 

Final Thoughts

Your perfect smile is only a quick procedure away. Before you set your heart on a specific type of veneer, always consult your dentist to get their opinion on which would be the best course of action for you. 

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