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Top Plastering Techniques Used by Experts

Plastering is an essential construction process that provides a smooth and durable finish to walls and ceilings. While some individuals attempt DIY plastering, it often results in subpar outcomes.


To achieve a professional finish, experts in plastering in Wellington employ various techniques that increase efficiency and ensure high-quality results. In this article, we will explore the top plastering techniques experts use.

1. Preparation

Before beginning the plastering process, experts understand the importance of proper preparation. They carefully assess the condition of the surfaces to be plastered, identifying any cracks or uneven areas that require additional attention. Any loose paint or wallpaper is removed, and surface cleaning is performed to ensure optimal adhesion. By thoroughly preparing the area beforehand, experts set themselves up for success by creating a solid foundation.

2. Mixing Plaster

Achieving the perfect consistency is vital when mixing plaster for a professional finish. Experts know how to calculate precisely how much water is needed for each bag of plaster to avoid any lumps or dry spots in the mixture. They use clean buckets and tools during the mixing process while maintaining adequate ventilation to facilitate proper product hydration.

3. Application Techniques

Experts utilise a variety of application techniques to ensure smooth and even coverage on all surfaces:

a) Skimming: Skimming involves applying a thin layer of plaster onto existing surfaces to create a smooth finish. Expert plasterers skillfully maneuver their trowel to achieve seamless results.

b) Float and Set: This technique involves applying two layers of different plasters, the first denser, to enhance durability and prevent cracking over time.

c) Rendering: Rendering is primarily used for external surfaces such as brick walls and provides both protection and aesthetic appeal. Experts use special tools like straight edges and darbys during rendering to achieve straight lines and consistent thickness.

d) Artex Removal: Artex was once popular but has since fallen out of favour. Experts employ artex removal techniques to eliminate this textured coating and restore a modern, smooth finish.

4. Troweling Techniques

Experts' skill with the trowel sets them apart in achieving exceptional plaster finishes. They use a range of techniques, including:

a) Feathering: Feathering involves gradually reducing the pressure exerted by the trowel as it moves away from the application area. This technique ensures that there are no pronounced ridges and results in a seamless blend between newly applied plaster and existing surfaces.

b) Floating: Float troweling is used after primary applications to achieve an even texture and eliminate imperfections or uneven spots. Experts employ various float types, such as wood or magnesium floats, depending on the desired finish.

c) Polishing: Polishing is performed after initial drying to give the surface a smoother appearance. Experts use steel trowels or plastic spatulas for this technique, complementing their skilful hand movements with precise tool control.

5. Timing and Drying

Experts understand the importance of proper timing during the plastering process. They know when to apply subsequent coats or start troweling techniques without compromising integrity or creating uneven surfaces. Additionally, experts ensure appropriate drying times between coats to avoid cracking or moisture-related issues.

6. Quality Finishing

To attain a flawless finish, experts focus on achieving well-executed corners and clean edges throughout their work. They pay particular attention to detail, meticulously smoothing out imperfections while maintaining consistent texture on large surfaces.

7. Cleanliness and Cleanup

Professional plasterers maintain cleanliness throughout the process, preventing unnecessary messes and contamination of surrounding areas. Experts also ensure thorough cleanup once the exterior plastering job is complete, leaving behind only seamlessly finished walls and ceilings.


The top plastering techniques employed by experts take time and practice to master but result in beautifully finished walls and ceilings that stand the test of time. From thorough preparation to skilful application and finishing touches, professionals prioritise quality, consistency, and cleanliness at every stage of the process. So, for anyone seeking a flawless plastering finish, it is well worth considering the expertise of professionals who have honed their craft through years of experience.

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