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Questions About AC Repair? We Have Your Answers

 Once the temperature starts rising, you expect your AC to kick on to help cool you down. You’re anxiously standing by a vent, waiting for cool air to blow out to help bring a bit of relief. 

Unfortunately, sometimes the air from the vents is only slightly cool, or worse you’re not even feeling a slight breeze. Maybe your air conditioner is making odd noises or continuously cycling. Whatever the issue, it’s time to call an AC repair Denver service company.

When your AC is on the fritz, chances are, you have plenty of questions like how much the repairs will cost. While the answer to this question typically depends on the issue, you probably have additional concerns. 

To help guarantee that you’re fully informed about the process, here’s a look at some commonly asked questions about AC repair and the answers.

Does My AC Need Regular Maintenance?

Regardless of the type of AC, maintenance should be a priority. The only exception may be portable window units. In most cases, it’s simply cheaper to replace a window unit than pay for repairs.

Scheduling regular maintenance at least once a year can help keep your HVAC system functioning properly. A technician will inspect your heating and cooling system and diagnose any potential issues before they become expensive problems. Keeping up with AC maintenance can also help expand its lifespan.

When should you have your AC system inspected? Generally speaking, you should have a technician come out in the spring. So, if there’s an issue you can have it repaired before summer temperatures hit. 

You may also want to consider a fall inspection, so this way, you have a good idea of how the high temperatures affected your unit.

Should I Replace My Air Filter More Than Once a Year?

All air conditioners, regardless of the type, use an air filter: the filter works to keep dust, debris, allergens, and other tiny particles from getting into the air you breathe. The filter also works to prevent the particles from getting into the air conditioner. So, how often should you change the filter? The answer depends on the type of system.

Some AC units use replaceable filters. If this is the case with your system, you should plan on changing the filter every 30 days or so. Don’t worry, filters are relatively inexpensive even if you decide to upgrade to a HEPA filter

However, if you have pets, smoke indoors, or have respiratory issues, you may need to change the filter more often than once a month. If your AC is using a non-disposable air filter, you should plan on cleaning it at least once a month.

How Do I Know What Size Filter to Buy?

Not all air conditioners use the same size filter. Before you ask, no you can’t cut a larger filter down to size. There’s a reason air filters come with a border, usually made from cardboard. The border keeps the woven fibers from falling apart. If you try cutting a filter down to size, you’re only going to end up with a big mess.

So, how do you figure out which size air filter to buy? Don’t worry, it’s pretty easy to figure out. Find the frame holding the current air filter, remove it, and pull out the filter. 

The filter should have the dimensions printed on the border. Look for three numbers like 16 x 18 x 2—this is your filter size. Now, all that’s left is to head to the store or order a new one online.

Are There Benefits to Adjusting the Thermostat?

Even though Denver weather typically makes the national news for its cold and snowy winters, summer temperatures can rival those common in southern states. When temperatures start climbing above 80 degrees, it’s common to turn the thermostat down. After all, no one wants their indoor temperature to match the one outside.

Before you crank the thermostat down to around 68 degrees, consider setting it a little higher. Going up to 74 degrees, instead of 68 degrees will still keep your home comfortably cool, and you can take advantage of a couple of benefits. Bumping up the thermostat reduces wear and tear on your AC. You’ll also see significant savings on your utility bills.

If your AC does end up needing a repair, the money you’re saving on energy bills can help offset the cost of the service call.

Contact an HVAC Specialist For Your AC Needs

If you have additional questions or your AC isn't keeping your home cool, contact a heating and cooling professional to learn more. Ideally, your AC issue will only require a minor repair. 

However, if it's a more extensive problem, the technician will thoroughly explain your different options to fix the situation. Routine maintenance can proactively prevent future problems and guarantee optimal performance of your system's efficiency.

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