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How To Became A Self Mentor By Reading Books?

 Imagine having someone in your corner who's all about unlocking major shifts in how things roll out for you, discovering strengths you didn't know were hiding inside, and nudging you forward towards hitting your personal high notes. Yet, mastering the art of mentoring isn't an innate trait but a proficiency that can be developed and enhanced with time. Imagine having access to comprehensive materials that could illuminate your path to evolving from a good mentor into an outstanding one? Dive into the book universe.

On the hunt for a mentor? Let me show you where to start looking. Loads of platforms are available—do you feel the need for some external expertise or support along the way? Perhaps you are strong enough and can become a mentor to yourself. How do you become a self mentor? Self-help books stand out as helpful guides when the path appears too stretched out ahead of us.

1 The Art of Coaching by Elena Aguilar

If you've ever wondered how top-notch coaches do it, Elena Aguilar's "The Art of Coaching" spills the beans—adapting and innovating are your best friends if you're aiming for impact. Ever wondered how some mentors just 'get' their mentees? Well wonder no more - here we spill secrets on cultivating an environment where both sides thrive thanks to unshakable mutual respect.

This approach nudges mentees toward an enlightening path of self-discovery which is crucial not only professionally but also personally enriching. Implementing the forward-thinking methodologies detailed in Aguilar's book is set to revolutionize your mentoring style.

The question is not only what you read, but also where.  Friendly advice - install a story reading app, in my case it's FictionMe.  When you have the Fiction Me novel app at your fingertips, you can start learning at any time.  Even if you are on the road now and didn’t take a book with you or you just have a little free time while visiting.  In this case, your progress will be faster and more noticeable. 

2 Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

Digging into how we view abilities and smarts, Carol Dweck from Stanford reveals something surprising. It's not just about having confidence; where you set your mind can seriously affect your life's direction, veering away from the outdated emphasis on self-worth alone. In "Mindset," Dweck argues that it's not the level of esteem we hold for ourselves that fuels success, but rather how we perceive the nature of our talents and abilities. So here’s the thing - adopting this approach isn’t about minor tweaks. No sir! It transforms everything from squaring up to fears right down to busting through procrastination and knocking out those big-time wins.

3 Mentoring 101 by John C. Maxwell

"Mentoring 101" by John C. Dive into mentoring with confidence by making Maxwell your guiding star. Let's break down Maxwell’s key lessons together in these pages—how nurturing bonds can boost personal development and steer mentees toward achieving everything they're capable of. At the heart of Maxwell's philosophy is this idea: stick with truthfulness and reliability if you want to see your protégés thrive in an encouraging atmosphere. By the way, this book is on FictionMe (Fiction Me ) and you can get acquainted with it right now. In general, the library is large and there are many analogues, and most of this selection.

4 Mentoring Matters by Tom Osborne

In his book 'Mentoring Matters', Tom Osborne offers an engaging and genuine look into his own experiences as a mentor. Think of mentoring as throwing pebbles into a pond—the ripples go far beyond individual gains reaching wider societal benefits too. His insight? These transformative journeys begin with cultivating sincere relationships centered around shared learning experiences anchored by respect. In his storytelling, Osborne paints mentorship as a two-way street where both parties—mentors and those they guide—stand to gain greatly.

5 The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, delivered an unforgettable final lecture while battling terminal cancer in his 40s. This lecture, which quickly went viral, wasn't about the end of life but rather the beauty of living to its fullest.

You listen to him talk about life, and it's like getting an unexpected pep talk; feels like this guy should've been coaching us all along. There’s something deeply moving about knowing where Pausch was coming from - face-to-face with the end. It transforms his suggestions into something more; a call to live fully and love life’s little moments.

6 Modern Mentoring by Randy Emelo

"Modern Mentoring" by Randy Emelo explores the transformation of conventional mentoring methods in today's digital era. This page-turner reveals that mentor-mentee bonds aren't what they used to be; flexibility and curiosity are now at the heart of these evolving partnerships.

Imagine mentors weaving together a variety of thoughts and harnessing the power of technology. That’s what's needed to keep mentorship evolving with our fast-paced global scene.

7 The Mentoring Manual by Julie Starr

Julie Starr's 'The Mentoring Manual' masterfully combines theoretical insights with actionable advice, presenting an indispensable guide aimed at enhancing your mentoring abilities. The essence of Starr’s message? Look forward, take charge in your decisions – an excellent mantra for any mentor hoping to inspire beyond the usual limits.

By embracing what Star has to offer, not only will nurturing your mentee's skills become second nature but establishing an influential bond of trust will follow suit.


Once you have learned the depths of the art of mentoring, you can become your own mentor. Moreover, you always need to start with yourself and in the future you will be able to better understand others and even teach them something important.

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