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Here's how you can stay organized during the process of moving home

Moving house can be a notoriously stressful process. Whether it’s your first or your tenth time going through it, juggling all the different elements involved can be very overwhelming for even the most organized of people. Luckily, there are a few steps that you can take throughout the moving process that make it easier to keep track of things. From checklists to labelling, here’s how you can stay organized during your next home move.

Make a checklist early on

A great way of keeping an eye on progress throughout the move is to create a checklist very early on in the process. Try to organize the checklist as well, putting items in order of priority, or in order of when they need to be done. 

If you’re doing the move with other people, then you can create a shared document that you can all add items to. This can help to further reduce the chances that you might miss something important, while also spreading out the stress and responsibility.

Spread the move out

There will inevitably be a moment of crunch time during the move, where things start to pick up pace. That being said, you can absolutely take steps to limit just how overwhelming that crunch time is. By taking a good look at your checklist, you can assess what things you can get done early on - such as decluttering and booking important services - that can help ease the load in those final weeks and days.

This will also help you to feel like you’ve gotten some momentum going, making it easier to get on with other important tasks as they pop up.

Get help where possible

One of the best ways to make the move feel more organized is to get additional help wherever possible. Whether you enlist the services of a removals team such as Kiwi Movers or use a dog or childcare service to look after your pets or children, these services can free up some of your time and energy to take a step back and keep an eye on the overall process. This makes it less likely that you miss something critical, significantly reducing stress as a result. 

Label everything

Lastly, while this might seem obvious, labelling absolutely every single box that you pack is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to stay organized during your home move. It’s so easy to pack up boxes and move them into your new home, only to have no idea what’s in them or where to put them. 

When you’re tired at the end of the move, you don’t want to have to hunt for hours to find your knives and forks - a few simple words on the top and sides of the boxes will mean that you don’t have to. 

Taking some basic steps to stay organized during your next home move can make a massive difference to how stressful it feels. In the end, you’ll find that it takes less effort to get the same amount of work done, making it a win-win situation from any perspective.


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