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5 Steps To Operating A More Socially Responsible Business

Most modern businesses want to become more socially responsible. After all, it’s what’s right for many executives, and it’s what a lot of customers want. 

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Of course, that social responsibility comes at a price. It’s not always free to change business practices in the short run. However, long term, the benefits can be significant. Many brands discover that it makes them better overall when they can give back to the community

But how do you operate a more socially responsible business? That’s the topic we address in this post. You’ll learn the step-by-step approach you need to take to get it right and help all your stakeholders thrive. 

Get Everyone Involved

The first step towards becoming more socially responsible should be to get everyone involved. It’s not something you’re going to be able to do by yourself, no matter how much sway you have in your company. 

Start by talking to your staff (if you have any). Then talk to other organisations that might support you. Having a team in place can help you generate ideas and come up with a plan for how to make your enterprise more successful.

Find Out Who You’re Going To Impact

During this process, you’ll also want to think about who you’re going to impact and the effects you’re likely going to have on them. Try to include all stakeholders in your analysis, not just the people you want to target. 

Usually, there’s a tradeoff in a lot of these endeavours. Some people will really benefit from your activities, while others might actually lose out. Naturally, it’s your call which individuals you want to prioritise and how you want to help them. 

Set Goals

Once you’ve done that, the next step is to set some goals. You want to know how you’re faring against a benchmark you set.

While it might sound challenging, it’s actually quite a lot more straightforward than you might think. Many companies just adopt the SMART framework and allow it to dictate the pattern of their activities. 

Of course, you can come up with your own measurements and criteria depending on your plan. But you should try to create something concrete that people can refer to in the future. Everyone in your business needs to be on roughly the same page. 

Make Your Social Responsibility Operational

With your goals established, you’re ready to make your social responsibility operational. That means planning how you will implement the changes you want to make. 

Ideally, you want to weave your activities into your daily schedule. It should be something people do automatically, not just when management tells them they have to. 

For example, you could commit to making non-profit donations on the first day of every month. Or you could invest in ethical labour practices or sustainable sourcing. 

Show What You Are Doing

Lastly, you should document your activities and show what you’re doing to the public. Ensure your business is as transparent as possible to build trust and regard among the public. 

So, there you have it: how to become a more socially responsible enterprise.

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