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Overcoming Depression: 5 Survival Tips

Depression doesn’t disappear without treatment—and those who feel depressed should seek it. If you’re depressed and can’t manage it, talk to your doctor or therapist, and follow these five depression survival tips.  As always, please know that you can call a helpline for depression at any time.

Work Movement Into Your Day

For mild symptoms of depression, exercise is as important as seeking treatment for depression in Houston. Aim for 150 minutes of physical activity each week to positively affect mental health.

Depression can make it hard to stay motivated, but small steps make a big difference. Start by committing to 15 minutes of movement every day and ask someone to hold you accountable. Once the habit is established, you’ll quickly see mood improvements.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Depression affects appetite, and those effects are different for everyone. If depression changes your eating patterns, mindful eating and proper nutrition will boost energy and mood.

While everyone has their favorite ‘comfort foods’, they won’t do much for depression. Avoid foods rich in sodium, fat, and sugar, as they offer little nutritional value. Cutting out alcohol is another good idea, as alcohol is a known depressant. Get plenty of vegetables, fruits, and lean meats—and eat them regularly. We are what we eat, and a healthy diet creates a healthy mind.

Build and Maintain a Support System

There are links between social isolation, loneliness, and depression. These feelings affect mental and physical health, increasing the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other conditions. Creating and nurturing relationships will give your overall health a boost.

Help Others and Help Yourself

Doing good for others can also improve your mental outlook. Practicing generosity, empathy, and kindness may help minimize the symptoms of depression, and every act of kindness will improve your self-esteem. Try:

● Donating and volunteering.

● Checking on others.

● Sending thank-you notes after receiving gifts.

● Giving random compliments.

There’s evidence that such acts boost the brain’s endorphin and serotonin levels, naturally improving mood and fighting depression. By helping others, you’ll help yourself.

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Every life has meaning and purpose, and it’s up to you to find it. Live a life that exemplifies your values; find a meaningful cause and support it. Getting involved will help you find people who share your beliefs and interests, thereby reducing feelings of depression and despair. There’s purpose in small moments, too. Being thankful for little things makes a big difference in mental health.

Depression Symptoms to Look For

These depression symptoms are common, but the condition looks different in everyone. Signs of depression may include:

● Feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, and sadness that don’t go away.

● Appetite and weight changes.

● Insomnia or excessive sleepiness.

● Loss of interest in pleasurable activities.

● Irritability and restlessness.

● Decreased energy and fatigue.

● Difficulty focusing and making decisions.

● Physical symptoms like digestive problems and headaches.

● Thoughts of self-harm. If you have such thoughts, call a crisis line or seek help immediately.

Most depression symptoms can be managed with treatments such as lifestyle changes, psychotherapy, and medication. If you’re depressed, help is available. Talk to your physician or schedule an appointment with a behavioral health specialist.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Along with the survival tips mentioned above, it’s important to ask for help when dealing with depression. Asking for and accepting assistance will help you enjoy life and work toward your goals.

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