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A Good Life Giveaway!

I love shopping on the internet!  I enjoy seeing the talents of so many people!  I also love supporting small businesses, too.  Recently I have become infactuated with Katie Van Slyke, an influencer on Facebook, Instagram, YouTuve and TikTok.  I am so much in love that I have decided to host a giveaway of a $60 gift card to use to choose your favorite product. 

So what does Katie do?  She is a farmer who posts the cutest things, farm animals are my favorite, and she has recently launched a merch line.  I know you will want to see her stuff, so I am giving away a $60 gift card so you can check out her mini cows

Here are some of my mini cow favorites:

Wouldn't you enjoy starting your day with these mini cows and coffee?  Big smiles to start the day is a great thing.  It's $15 or enter my raffle by following the directions below.

Wearing this long sleeved tee will make everyone happy who sees it.  SO sweet, and perfect for camping, running errands, and lounging around the house!  Around $35 or enter the raffle!  Directions below:

To enter the raffle is SO easy... just click this link and fill in the details!  

or leave a blog comment below or at @tsteffes (Instagram) or www.facebook.com/ourgoodlifeblog (Facebook)

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  1. I had never heard of Katie Van Slyke before. But I love cows, and that mug is adorable. It is awesome that you’re doing a giveaway for a gift card.


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