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What Color Light Helps You Sleep


A dimly lit room promotes better sleep. Prior to bedtime, favor warmer tones of light, such as yellows and oranges, over cooler light, like the blue light emitted by electronic devices. Light significantly influences our sleep-wake cycle. Understanding how various colors impact sleep can help you select the most suitable lighting to enhance your sleep routine.

Does Light Affect Sleep?

Light plays a crucial role in regulating the body's natural 24-hour biological clock. The body’s natural clock is a  key element in managing sleep within an individual's circadian rhythm.  The sunrise and sunset rhythm acts as a significant sleep-wake signal for the body. Some experts say that the warm light associated with a setting sun may effectively indicate the onset of sleep. 

Moreover, light has a direct influence on the release of melatonin, a natural hormone essential for sleep. The pineal gland produces melatonin in response to darkness, but specific types of light can impede its production. Exposure to bright lights and cool-toned colors can hinder melatonin production, keeping an individual awake.

Despite these challenges, artificial light can be employed beneficially in certain cases. Light therapy, involving exposure to bright artificial light at specific times throughout the day, can help reset the circadian clock. This makes light therapy useful in managing health conditions that disrupt the circadian rhythm, making light therapy a potential treatment option.

What Colored Lights Are Best For Sleep?

When considering the ideal colors for nighttime lighting that promotes sleep, red and amber can the best options. These warm and soothing colors have been associated with creating an environment conducive to a good night's sleep. Any color close to red on the light spectrum is believed to stimulate the production of melatonin, a hormone crucial for regulating sleep.

Red Light

Red light, in particular, stands out for its ability to start a smooth transition from daylight to night without causing disruptions to the sleep cycle. This is attributed to its lower color temperature compared to regular sunlight. The wavelengths of red light do not affect our brain too much, making it an optimal choice to transition to sleep.

Supporting this notion, research shows that red light, when maintained at an intensity of 10 lux or higher exhibits the potential to induce sleep. Incorporating red and amber lights into your nighttime environment can contribute to a more restful and uninterrupted sleep experience. 

Warm hues not only align with the natural processes of melatonin production but also offer a gentle and sleep-friendly transition from the wakeful activities of the day to a peaceful night's sleep.

Pink Light

Alternatively, the potential benefits of using pink light for sleep should be given some importance too. There isn't substantial research supporting its effectiveness as a sleep aid. However,  incorporating pink light into your sleep environment could be worth considering if you prefer a softer glow at night.

In terms of waking up in the morning, pink lighting may serve as a viable option. The actual sunrise may occur too early for many people. So the gentle illumination of pink light could provide a more manageable and soothing alternative to simulate the natural waking process.

For children's bedrooms, pink lights not only impart a fairy tale ambiance but also contribute to an overall calm atmosphere. The soft and warm tones of pink can create a soothing environment conducive to a good night's sleep.

Moreover, pink lights can be an excellent choice for spaces where you engage in relaxation activities, such as yoga rooms or your designated area for unwinding. The subtle and tranquil nature of pink light makes it a suitable option to set a serene mood in these environments.

The specific impact of pink light on sleep remains an area with limited scientific validation. But its aesthetic and calming qualities make it a potential choice for those seeking a gentle and pleasant lighting option for various settings.

Lights To Stay Away From 

Blue Light

When it comes to bedroom lighting, blue and white light are considered the least useful to a good night's sleep. Blue light, commonly emitted by screen-based electronics, is well-known for its detrimental effects on sleep quality. This is particularly true for both adults and children, as exposure to blue and white light before bedtime can negatively influence sleep.

The negative impact of blue and green light on sleep is further worsened by their ability to enhance focus and impede melatonin production. The use of white light, which includes blue light, is more appropriate in spaces designed to promote wakefulness. Continuous exposure to white light, especially in children, can disrupt their sleep patterns.

Green Light

Regarding green light, while it has calming properties compared to blue light, it is not entirely excluded from potential effects on sleep. Greenlight is often utilized by gamers to stay alert during late-night sessions. 

However, its visibility in the dark is notably higher than white light or complete darkness. As a result, green light may serve as a better alternative for those who need to work late or engage in activities that require sustained attention.

while blue and white light is generally regarded as the least favorable for sleep, green light, while potentially less disruptive, should still be approached with consideration, especially in the context of specific activities and individual preferences.

Bedroom Tips For Better Sleep

Several factors can significantly influence the quality of your sleep. Here are some tips to help you achieve better sleep:

What To Reduce

  • Exposure to Electronic Screens: Reduce exposure to phones or television screens before bedtime to minimize the impact of blue light on your sleep cycle.

  • Caffeine Intake: Avoid consuming caffeine late in the day, as it can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.

  • Late-Night Hydration: Limit the intake of excessive fluids before bedtime to prevent disruptions from bathroom visits during the night.

  • Alcohol Consumption: Moderation in alcohol consumption is advisable, as it can affect the quality of your sleep.

  • Irregular Sleep Schedule: Strive for a consistent sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at regular times, even on weekends.

  • Daytime Napping: Minimize long naps during the day to avoid interfering with your nighttime sleep patterns.

What To Include

  • Daylight Exposure: Expose yourself to bright natural light during the day to regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep at night.

  • Regular Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine, but avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime.

  • Comfortable Sleep Environment: Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillow. Explore editor-trusted and expert-verified recommendations to find the most suitable options.

  • Quiet Sleeping Area: Create a quiet and serene sleeping environment, free from disruptive noises or disturbances.

  • Pre-Bedtime Activities: Engage in relaxing activities before bedtime, such as reading or gentle stretching, to prepare your mind and body for sleep.

  • Optimal Room Temperature: Maintain a comfortable room temperature, neither too hot nor too cold, to support restful sleep.


To sum up, many folks find it hard to get good sleep, and using screens before bedtime might be part of the problem. Even though using screens before bed is nothing new, the extra blue light can seriously hurt our eyes. 

If you look at a bright screen in a dark room, it makes your eyes work extra, leading to issues like blurry vision, headaches, or dry eyes. And guess what? These issues could mess with your sleep. Instead, invest in red lights and use them to help you snooze better.

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