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Moving? 8 Things To Do Now To Prepare for Your Midtown Atlanta Move

 You have decided to move, and now your mind is likely filled with one of the longest to-do lists you’ve ever tackled. Where do you begin with address changes, packing, buying new furniture, and painting? What moving tasks should be higher up your list? Which can be put off until you’ve arrived and are settled into your home? We have created a list of tips to help you plan.

Create a To-Do List

Sometimes, getting all the tasks you need to complete out of your head and onto paper can make you feel less overwhelmed. Write down everything you need to do between now and your office move date. Common moving tasks may include calling the movers, packing boxes, changing your address, or unpacking boxes in your new home. Write down as many things as you can think of. Nothing is too small or too large yet. Instead, doing this gives you a clearer understanding of the most important tasks.

Organize Your List

Now, go through each task on your list and organize it. Star the tasks that need to be done now. Highlight the ones that can wait a few days or weeks. 

Finally, leave the ones that can wait until you’ve moved. You may make updates to this list as you begin moving, but this can provide a good starting point.


Giving yourself time to declutter now means you’ll have less to move and unpack later. Try to take at least a few days to tackle each room, focusing on donating or getting rid of unwanted items rather than packing them. Carefully consider each item, decide its usefulness, and whether you have a place for it or not in your new home. 

You can also use the separation method to make the decision and decluttering process easier to complete. Separate everything into three piles.

In the first pile, include items that you plan to pack and move with you. In the second, include items that still hold value or are in good shape but don’t have a place in your new home. These are items that you’ll donate. The third pile is for items that are no longer useful and that you’ll dispose of or recycle.

Choose the Right Moving Company

It’s never too early to contact a moving company. Additionally, you're ready for an accurate quote since you have a list of items you need to move. Whichever residential moving company you choose will need to know how many items you want to move to give you an accurate price. 

Discuss available moving dates and choose the services you want from a moving company. Some people may simply hire a moving company to transport their boxes from one destination to another. Others may feel more comfortable with professionals boxing and unboxing their personal belongings as well.

Contact the Utility and Provider Companies

Once a potential move date is scheduled with the moving company, you can contact the utility company and service providers to ensure you have power, gas, and internet. Timing the turn-off of your current utilities with the turn-on of your new ones is important to ensure you can begin living in your new residence. Some homeowners may choose to overlap these dates to ensure they have time to move and deal with fluctuating schedules.

Do a Walk Through of Your New Home

Completing a walk-through of your new home allows you to designate where each box should go. Walk through the home with your family or roommates to decide who each room belongs to. Get a basic understanding of the living room and kitchen layout so you can decide what items to bring. Consider how your couch, coffee table, and other furniture pieces will fit in with your new home. You may decide to replace many of your furniture pieces, but making this decision now can save you a lot of time and money.

Stock Up on Moving Supplies

This is also a good time to stock up on moving supplies. Consider what your moving company may supply so you don’t waste money. Some moving companies supply the boxes and tape, but it’s always a good idea to double-check. Make sure you also have plenty of protective moving equipment, like bubble wrap and moving pads.

Change Your Address

Changing your address is also one of the first few things you should do when planning an upcoming move. Otherwise, you may miss important communications. Make a list of all the places where you need to change your address, including your driver’s license, credit cards, voting registration card, and any subscription services you may have.

Moving can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. It may often be difficult to prioritize each required task and decide what is necessary. You can use this list of important first steps to ensure you are prepared to move. Some of these steps can also help you cut your moving costs down, like decluttering before packing.

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