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DIY House Recladding: Pros and Cons of Tackling It Yourself

 When it comes to maintaining the exterior of your home, a task that often arises is house recladding. This involves removing the existing cladding and replacing it with a new material. While hiring a professional is the route, some homeowners choose to take on this project themselves.

Let’s discuss the benefits and drawbacks of DIY house recladding to help you make a decision.

Advantages of DIY House Recladding

1. Cost Savings: 

One of the reasons why homeowners consider tackling house recladding themselves is to save money. Professional house recladding in Auckland or other areas can be expensive, especially when factoring in labour costs. By undertaking the job yourself, you can significantly reduce expenses.

2. Sense of Achievement: 

Completing a DIY project can provide a sense of accomplishment. There's a pride that comes with being able to say, "I did that!" Recladding your home allows you to take control of the project and see it through from start to finish, which can be incredibly rewarding.

3. Customization:

When hiring professionals for house recladding in Auckland, there may be limitations on the type of cladding they can install or design options available.

When you take on the task of doing it yourself, you have the freedom to select the materials, colours and styles that align with your preferences and vision for your home.

4. Opportunity for Learning: 

Engaging in a DIY project to reclad your house can be a chance to acquire skills and expand your knowledge of home improvement. Throughout the process, you will gain hands-on experience and become more familiar with the intricacies of your home’s construction.

5. Flexibility: 

Hiring professionals often means having to work around their schedule and potentially waiting for weeks or even months until the job is completed. By doing it yourself, you can work at your pace and choose a timeline that suits your needs.

Cons of DIY House Recladding

1. Skill and Experience: 

Recladding a house is a labour-intensive undertaking that demands a level of skill and experience. Without knowledge of the process, you may encounter challenges and make mistakes that could result in costly repairs down the line.

2. Safety Risks: 

Working at heights and handling power tools can be hazardous, especially if you lack experience in these areas. Falls from ladders or scaffolding can lead to injuries. But, professionals come equipped with safety gear and possess the expertise to minimise these risks.

3. Time-consuming: 

DIY projects often take time to complete compared to hiring professionals. Without the level of expertise, you may face difficulties and delays during the process, which can ultimately prolong the timeline and cause inconvenience.

4. Ensuring Quality: 

When it comes to recladding a house, precision and attention to detail are crucial. Professionals possess the expertise to ensure that the cladding is installed correctly, creating a weather-resistant barrier. However, if you choose to do it yourself, there is a risk of compromising the installation quality, which could result in further issues.

5. Considering Warranties: 

Many professional cladding installers offer warranties on their work, providing assurance in case any problems arise. By taking on the project yourself, you may not have access to this added protection, and you would be solely responsible for any repairs or future maintenance.

Tips for DIY House Recladding

If you decide to proceed with DIY house recladding, here are some tips that can aid you throughout the process:

1. Conduct Research: 

Before embarking on this project, invest time in researching cladding options available as well as different installation techniques and potential challenges associated with them. Being well-informed and prepared will be beneficial for what lies ahead.

2. Seek Advice: 

It's always helpful to reach out to professionals or experienced DIY enthusiasts who have successfully completed recladding projects. They can provide guidance, share their expertise and offer tips to ensure your project goes smoothly.

3. Prioritize Safety: 

Make sure to prioritise safety by investing in the right safety equipment, such as harnesses, helmets and non-slip footwear. Also, familiarise yourself with safety protocols and guidelines before you begin your work.

4. Start with Smaller Steps: 

If you're new to DIY projects or have less experience, consider starting with a smaller section of your house or practising in a designated area. This will allow you to refine your skills before taking on the big project.

5. Take Your Time: 

Remember that DIY house recladding is not a race. Give yourself time to carefully and accurately complete each step. Rushing through it can lead to mistakes that might compromise the quality of your work.


Opting for DIY house recladding can be a great choice for homeowners who want to save money and customise their home according to their preferences while gaining a sense of accomplishment. However, it's crucial to consider your skill level, the time commitment required and the potential risks involved before embarking on this project. When doubt or uncertainty arises, seeking advice from professionals is always a safe choice.

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