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5 Ways Mediation is Different From a Traditional Divorce

 Getting divorced can be an overwhelming process, especially if you’re going the traditional route. The time, money, and stress it takes to reach agreements through the courts can make life difficult during the divorce, and what the judge rules can also sometimes make life after the divorce challenging.

5 Ways Mediation is Different From a Traditional Divorce

There is another option. Instead of going through a divorce the traditional way, you can use a mediator to reach mutually beneficial agreements in your divorce.

Using a mediator is different from a traditional divorce because:

·        There is only one mediator

·        It usually costs less

·        You have more control over the timeline

·        You have more control over outcomes

·        You can learn conflict resolution skills

5 Ways Mediation is Different From a Traditional Divorce

There is Only One Mediator

Perhaps the biggest difference between using a mediator and using lawyers in a traditional divorce is that there is only one mediator.

Your mediator does not act as your attorney or as your advocate. Instead, it's their job to help you and your ex-spouse brainstorm ways to move through your divorce cooperatively. They can still provide you with legal information, but they will not provide individual parties with advice.

With only one mediator, the process is inherently less adversarial. Instead of working against each other with your own attorneys, you work together with a single mediator. Because it is less contentious, it generally creates a lot less stress.

It Usually Costs Less

A traditional divorce can get expensive. That’s especially true if there are a lot of disagreements between both parties and the process drags out for a long time.

In almost every case, mediation costs less than a traditional divorce. There are fewer legal fees and fewer extra fees when you use a mediator. In some cases, you may be able to find a mediator who offers their services for a flat fee. That can make budgeting for your divorce a lot easier.

You can also find mediators who charge by the hour, which can give you peace of mind knowing that you have plenty of time to work through the details of your divorce. If cost is important to you, look for non-attorney mediators, as they typically charge less than attorney-mediators.

You Have More Control Over the Timeline

Divorces can take a long time. The average time to complete the divorce process with just one dispute is 12 months. Things can drag out even longer if you have multiple disputes that you’re trying to resolve between attorneys and the courts.

That’s because you have to work with your attorney’s schedule, your ex-spouse’s attorney’s schedule, and the judge who is overseeing your case. Those are all things you don’t have to worry about with a mediated divorce.

You can reach a fair settlement agreement on your own time when you use a mediator. It’s up to the two of you, with help from your mediator, to decide what life is going to look like after your divorce. Because you don't have to wait on attorneys or judges, it typically unfolds much faster.

You Have More Control Over Outcomes

Not only do you have more control over the timeline, you also have more control over outcomes. For example, a judge only considers what they think is best for the child in a traditional divorce. When you use a mediator, you can come to a mutual agreement that is best for your entire family.

Having more control over the outcomes in your divorce means you’re more likely to be happy with those outcomes in the long run. It means less stress too, because a mediator helps you feel like you’re in the driver’s seat with complete control over your own life.

You Learn Conflict Resolution Skills

Using a mediator requires you to communicate with your ex-spouse directly instead of doing it through your attorneys. You’re able to get everything out in the open and learn conflict resolution skills in the process, which will make any future communications go much more smoothly.

That’s especially helpful if you and your spouse must continue to communicate after the divorce is over. Organizing activities for children or running a business is a lot easier after a divorce if you both learn how to work through issues on your own.

Mediation isn’t right for everyone, but if you think you and your ex-spouse can sit down together and come up with mutually beneficial agreements with the right support, you can save a lot of time, money, and stress by turning to a mediator.

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