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Did You Know These 10 Shocking Facts About Anxiety?

 Many people think that anxiety is a temporary state of fear that goes away eventually. But anxiety is actually a lot more serious than that. It can profoundly affect a person’s life to the point that it becomes difficult for them to function in their daily lives. A person can experience sweating, heart palpitations, and restlessness which can spike the fight or flight response. In addition to this, here are ten other facts you might not have known about anxiety.


1. Anxiety Could Be Genetic


Not everyone has to experience a traumatic event in order to have anxiety. For example, science has shown that there is a Link Between Adderall and Anxiety; Adderall is prescribed to those who have ADHD, which is also genetic. Anxiety can also be passed down from parent to child.


2. Women Are More Vulnerable To Anxiety


Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from anxiety. This is because women’s fight or flight mechanism is easier to activate and remains on for extended periods of time.


3. Anxiety Can Cause Anger


Anxiety can cause someone to feel isolated and powerless when forced to face certain situations. This can evolve into frustration and feelings of anger. A person with anxiety can tend to be more irritable and aggressive toward those around them.


4. Anxiety Is Extremely Common


More than 40 million Americans over 18 deal with an anxiety disorder of some kind. Although it’s highly treatable, only a small percentage of these people choose to get professional help.


5. Anxiety Starts Early In Life


Although anxiety normally presents itself in adults, about 7% of children suffer from an anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, they’re not diagnosed early on with anxiety so it’s often missed.


6. Stress Is Not The Same As Anxiety


All people experience anxiety and stress at some point in their lives; it becomes a real problem when it becomes chronic or interferes with their daily lives. Stress is also not the same as anxiety, as stress is a response to a dangerous situation, while anxiety is a reaction to stress.


7. Anxiety And Depression Are Related


They’re not on opposite sides of the spectrum as people think; anxiety is often a trigger for depression. People dealing with depression may often develop anxiety as a result of dealing with their depression; similarly, people with anxiety can also develop depression.


8. Anxiety Has Related Illnesses


Those with anxiety tend to also have co-occurring disorders or illnesses. These can often worsen anxiety symptoms and hinder the recovery process.


9. Anxiety Can Affect Memory


Those with anxiety tend to overthink what potential harm could occur without focusing on the present. This leads them to not pay full attention to what is going on at that moment.


10. Anxiety Can Affect Physical Health


Studies have shown that experiencing anxiety can lead to heart disease, respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and chronic pain. Prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol can cause weakened immune systems, leading to more health complications.


If you are experiencing anxiety symptoms that make it difficult for you to go about your day, seek out help from a trained mental health professional as soon as possible.

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