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5 Highly Rated High Schools in Utah

 Utah is known for some pretty impressive things: the geography and climate make it ideal for skiing and snowboarding, the majestic lakes and canyons swirl and combine to make gorgeous salt flats and vistas, and the national parks are global wonderlands. But most people don’t realize that Utah also has some of the best high schools in the country.


Each school has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and how you view the school’s overall attractiveness depends on what your focus is. For example, some people choose a school for their children based on its safety protocols, while others prioritize the school grade. Still others look at the athletic programs offered, as high school is the time when many athletes will start their scholarship track.


Whatever your priority is, and whether you’re looking for high schools in Sandy, Utah, or in a remote neck of the state, we have 5 of the overall top-ranked upper education schools listed here.

1. Beehive Science and Technology Academy (BSTA)


BSTA, as it’s known within the district, is a solidly ranked school located in Sandy, UT, where students can focus on learning STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) curriculum. The school’s academic progress is steady, boasting high test scores and a well-above-state-average college and career readiness level. Test scores are far above the state average, as well.


For those looking for athletics, BSTA, as a charter school, doesn’t currently have any teams. However, students attending charter schools are permitted by Utah law to participate in neighboring school’s athletic teams.

2. Northern Utah Academy for Math Engineering and Science (NUAMES)

Those attending this school refer to it as NUAMES, with two locations in Ogden and Layton. It has a strong reputation as a top school with excellent staff who care for their students on an individual level. Students here tend to make above-average academic progress, showing impressive academic growth over the years, with far-above-average college and career readiness and test scores.


The school offers many extracurricular activities, but as a charter, NUAMES doesn’t have any separate teams that are part of the Utah High School Activities Association. If you would like your child to attend this school and pursue sports, they can do so by trying out at their neighborhood public high school.

3. Academy for Math Engineering and Science (AMES)

Located in Murray, the Academy for Math Engineering and Science (AMES) is a highly-rated charter school where students make strong academic progress. They have more than the state average when it comes to test scores and college and career readiness.


As a charter school, AMES doesn’t offer academic sports, but your athlete can try out for a team at any neighborhood public high school. There are various academic clubs and other extracurricular activities to add to their college resume, though.

4. Itineris Early College High School

Residents of West Jordan can choose to have their high schoolers attend Itineras Early College, where teens can prepare for college and career readiness at an advanced level. The school has some of the highest grades in the state when it comes to test scores, progress, and readiness.


Itinerary is a private charter school boasting many extracurricular activities. However, if your child is hoping for an athletic scholarship, they will need to try out for participation in a public high school nearby.

5. Corner Canyon High School

Corner Canyon High School may be the only public school on our list, but it solidly competes with the ratings of the charter schools included here. At Corner Canyon, students make average progress and have above-average college and career readiness and test scores. It’s an excellent choice for parents who want their children to receive the best public education in the area.


In addition to a strong academic program, Corner Canyon High School offers a competitive athletic division, including basketball, soccer, and other team sports.

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