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Pumpkin Nut Bread with Chocolate Chips

Quick breads, or tea breads as they are often called, are a delicious way to share a gift of food.  I like to purchase the small ceramic loaf pans that are starting to make their appearance and make these for family, friends, and service providers as a quick snack.  This pumpkin nut bread with chocolate chips is a healthy version with a bit of chocolate for decadence.

Pumpkin Nut Bread with Chocolate Chips

Pumpkin Nut Bread with Chocolate Chips

I consider this one a tea loaf, as it is made with fruit and nuts and spread with butter. A quick bread is a bread recipe that is made without any yeast. This bread relies on leavening agents like baking soda and baking powder. Both are easy to make, just check out the recipe below!

More Tea Breads

Check out these tea breads from the other Taste Creation bakers!

Nikki from Tikkido made Apple Bread with Crumb Topping

Apple Bread with Crumb Topping

Rosemary from Breads and Sweets made Brown Sugar Banana Bread

Brown Sugar Banana Bread

Lauren from MomHomeGuide.com made Quick Cinnamon Bread

Quick Cinnamon Bread

Come join us in November for our November Taste Creations!

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  1. YUM! I love pumpkin bread so much! The perfect fall treat.


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