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Ghouly Sloppy Joes

It's the season to have fun with food!  I love making my go-to recipes into a version of themselves that is fun and fanciful. These sloppy joes have been around f o r e v e r (as in my bridal shower recipe book!) and we make them every fall.  

Fun Fact

The Sloppy Joe sandwich is attributed to a cafe in Sioux City, Iowa where a cook named Joe added tomato sauce to his loose meat sandwiches!  We love our Sloppy Joes and have several ways of eating them.  We love them, especially in the fall, they are such a comfort food!

Do something a little extra with your Sloppy Joes this Halloween! Add a little cheese and some eyeball olives and watch your kids yell in delight!
Check out all these other fun Spooky Main Dishes! May your Halloween dinner make lasting memories for your entire family! 

 🦇 Coconut Beef Curry In A Pumpkin by Culinary Cam 
 🦇Ghouly Sloppy Joes by Our Good Life 
 🦇Mummy Pot Pie by Amy's Cooking Adventures 
 🦇Bloody Eye Balls In Blood Red Tomato Sauce by Sneha's Recipes   

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  1. What a fund way to make sloppy joes, kids will love this!


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