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Mushroom and Herb Omelet with Truffle Salt with Cote des Roses Sauvugnon Blanc for Dinner

 I have been a fan of omelets for years. I find them very versatile and good for a meal any time of the day.  While I haven't truly mastered the French omelet methodology, I try to do a creamy omelet using a scrambled egg method.  More on the later.

How are French and American Omelets Different?

American omelets are typically fluffy eggs browned with massive fillings including cheese. A true French omelet is creamy, not browned, and rarely served with cheese or any fillings. I try to find the middle road with this definition, making a lightly browned omelet with mushrooms and cheese filling.  Mushrooms are plentiful in the Fall in France, which is the theme of our Winophiles pairings this month.

Wine Pairings with Omelets?

There are so many ways to enjoy wine with omelets. It depends mostly on your fillings and sauces. With the cheese and mushroom omelet, I chose to have a French Sauvignon Blanc.  I chose a Cotes des Roses Sauvignon Blanc for its citrus and minerality. The dried herb notes with the herbs in the omelet complemented each other.  It was a great pairing with a wine that was reasonably priced.

How to Cook an Omelet

As I said, I like the best of both worlds. I like fillings and a light golden brown color on my omelet. I cook the fillings first, then make the eggs, adding the cheese and fillings before I fold it over.  The temperature of the stove is below medium just a touch. Cooking your omelet this way is slower, but the result is wonderful.

Other delicious Fall Recipes from France: 

🍷Fall is in the Air by A Day in the Life on the Farm 
🍷Fall Flavors Inspired by France’s Loire Valley: Muscadet and Savennieres Paired with Baked Oysters, Figs, Brie by Wine Predator.... Gwendolyn Alley 
🍷Mushroom and Herb Omelet with Truffle Salt with Côte des Roses Sauvignon Blanc for Dinner by Our Good Life (*you are here!)
🍷September in France is Rentrée by Food Wine Click!

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  1. This post has me remembering the omelet scene from "The Hundred Foot Journey" (the movie, not the book). And now I'm craving one. Maybe for dinner tonight. Thanks for joining me on such short notice.

  2. Omelets are always a great go-to when the hangries arrive unannounced.


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