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How To Use Statement Green Velvet Sofas To Design a Living Room

 When shopping for new furniture, you might come across a bold and invigorating piece you can't get out of your mind. Be it an armchair, a refrigerator, a table or even a sofa, a fun and unconventional furniture piece speaks to your inner sense of design even if it may not seem workable at first glance.

Picking out only "safe" pieces can lead to an underwhelming final result, so embrace the whimsical picks that speak to you. Green velvet sofas, styled thoughtfully, can become the heart of a stylish living room.

What Styles Work Well With Green Velvet Couches?

Green velvet upholstery can fit into a variety of living room aesthetics. A vivid green color can blend with a tropical or botanical design scheme, matching vibrant house plants.

The lush texture of green velvet, plush pillows and flowing lines is ideal for a 1920s-style art deco touch as well. According to Architectural Digest, jewel tones and heavy upholstery fabrics are hallmarks of a toned-down form of arc deco design that can blend into a modern home.

Even more traditional aesthetics, such as mid-century modern or minimalist, can benefit from a hit of personality. Instead of thinking of green velvet as a risk, think of it as a safeguard against one-note home design.

How Can a Statement Sofa Help You Design a Living Room?

One of the easiest ways to design a living room is to build out your choices around a statement piece. Once you've embraced the whimsy of green velvet sofas, here's how to turn that focal point into a complete living room.

Matching Chairs

Basing your armchair choice on the room's sofa is Living Room 101, but a perfect match is unnecessary. Instead, match the lines, scale and shape of the sofa while introducing a neutral with the chairs, such as white, black or tan.

Contrasting Textures

Velvet is a beautifully bold texture, so be sure you have other textures in the room that can stand up to its impact. Plants and leather are two intense natural textures that perfectly complement green velvet couches. Add a woven rug in your chosen neutral color for more texture.

Themes and Associations

Keep your desired aesthetic and associations in mind when accessorizing your new living room. An art deco theme benefits from shimmering touches such as gold or mirrors. A gilded bar cart or an ornately carved coffee table are fun and cohesive accessories.

If accessorizing a more modern living room, take advantage of the many textures of 20th-century furniture. Add shades of green to your chosen neutrals, avoiding any other colors, to create an airy and forest-like minimalist dream.

Where Can You Find Green Velvet Sofas and Other Statement Home Design Pieces?

The right statement pieces are not only the cornerstone of your home's design, but also furniture you'll love and use every single day. Poly & Bark has the best selection of green velvet couches and other on-trend pieces. Browse their collection for a bold sofa that can slot seamlessly into your new home.

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