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Mayo-less Tuna Salad

There is nothing that my husband and I enjoy more than a picnic.  We love planning for it, finding a new location, and cooking up the treats for it.  Sometimes, though, it is more simple to have a little picnic in the backyard, and that I what I decided to do today.

July (2023) has been the hottest month on record, and that is typically the month we like to go on picnics. We haven't done a single one this summer, and that is so unlike us. So I decided to have a picnic lunch with just me, myself and I.  

I decided to make Mayo-less Tuna Salad as it was nearly 100 degrees F outside at lunchtime today. I didn't want to play any games with my mayo spoiling in such hot weather.  It is a simple recipe, with just four ingredients.  You can make it the day before or right before you go to eat.

Here are some additional picnic treats that you will enjoy!

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  1. Your solo picnic spot looks very serene! Perfect!

  2. That looks delicious, Terri. Thanks for joining me this week.

  3. I'm always searching for a few delicious mayo-less summer recipes and this one looks like a real winner. I think I'll give it a try this week, since the weather's supposed to be getting pretty steamy again here in Virginia.


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